Classic Era Patch Updates

Remove the Guild UI didn’t ask for that in classic era prefer the original


Thank you for your communication/acknowledgement, Kaivax.

Here’s the feedback on the guild tab change: Reverse it, 100%, back to how it was. No options. No one needed it before and no one needs it now. This is Classic Era. When we cloned our characters, or when we started playing on Era, it was to play the game as it was prior to TBC. The expectation for your team, as it pertains to Classic Era, is simply to provide the necessary maintenance and let it be. Please keep this in mind.

Please reverse all of the recent changes, as well, not just the ones you listed in your post. 100% reversal.

Have fun with seasonal content if you wish, get creative, but please just leave Classic Era alone and ensure none of the seasonal content bleeds over to Classic Era. It is not wanted. Again, simply provide the necessary maintenance and let Classic Era be.

Thank you.


Did you put in sod ques? for classic era? Why are group ques faster now?

UNSUBBED, you guys really need to understand streamers make videos for clicks, they’re not road maps for your business plan

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I see you’re also on Mankrik, not sure you’ve noticed but we have a petition being advertised. If you haven’t seen it yet, keep an eye out for the post and sign it and once you sign it, get anyone else in your guild or the community who believes it should be brought back sign it as well.

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It’s not that we can’t do without stormrend, it’s the fact that you made a positive change that was near unanimously welcomed by the era community with open arms, and then decided to revoke it regardless. That’s the part that sucks.


This is just a horrible take. Classic Era is very different from vanilla, and very different from classic wow. Lots of things have changed, many for the better. The guild tab of all things… can be fixed with a weakaura.
Maybe people appreciate the QOL changes as they keep the game fun to play. You don’t have to like it, but as you can see here, a majority of people do.


this is the part that makes it harder to swallow really.

they announced it was an intended change, people in game loved it but the ones that didn’t di their usual “no changes”

Now they claim their listening to feedback.

We literally had a guild discussion last week about how great this is and how it frees up more time for us to do thing as a group to do other content and now blizzard has crapped on that.

edit: it also doesn’t help they claim they dont want to make changes without communication and then make more changes to change it back without communicating it.



Completely agree. It is a 100% positive change with zero downside. It doesn’t change the gameplay whatsoever.
People have been clamoring for alliance rend since classic came out. So for them to finally implement it, confirm it was intentional, then remove it, is absurd.


This is why people are upset because they went back on their word.


It’s almost like you didn’t even read the conversation I had with the person I was replying to. I didn’t suggest era did or did not grow with or without alliance rend buff. I said the audience that we see playing Era would most likely cease to exist without booning buffs. Given that a large majority of players are doing GDKPs and GDKPs in nature are a competitive environment.

And yes… Yes you’re right… If blizzard had never implemented the change that this whole thread is based around, the thread wouldn’t exist… Care to add anymore meaningless comments?


Day 481:
Master came on his Warrior today, it was a short visit and fortunately painless. The duel was brief, no physical combat, only a few choice words and demand I wear this ridiculous hat.

The inn maiden hasn’t bathed in weeks. Her odor is attracting local zevrah and the guards continue to have to push them back out of town. Occasionally they ask for totems to protect them in battle.

I want to go back to the before times. Before Master. Before these chains. Before this awful hat.

Free me from this misery.


The only thing I think can confidently be said about the majority of people is that they came to play Classic Era as-is, as evidenced by their presence before any of these changes. Changes are divisive and problematic in Classic Era. I don’t know anyone who plays Classic Era due to the potential for future changes to this version of the game, but I know many who play the game because they know what to expect and want those expectations met.

Beyond that, a word of caution: Be careful what you wish for. It’s only a matter of time before someone starts proposing changes you don’t want, and will reference the changes you are proposing as justification.


you are right. But kids remain kids and kids cry when you take away their candy. And people who stand by , laugh and say “right, you do not deserve that candy in the first place”, are simply cruel.

Please bring back Might of Stormwind


This is absolute cinema


Slippery slope fallacy is not reliable.

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