Classic Era Patch Updates

I want ERA with my stormrend quality of life. where is that offering?

Kaivax stating the classic team has little desire to bring gameplay-impacting changes to era is both tone-deaf and factually incorrect in all of the changes already applied to the ERA version as is.

I don’t think your argument has as strong a standing as you think bro.

Again. An official poll would solve all of this deliberation.


However, the games gain significant benefits from having this be the case – including at the most foundational level of being able to integrate with services in the first place – but it also means that we can share backend code and bring in UI elements as updates from the modern game.

so reading this…im beginning to wonder…are they really listening…or did the execs panic when they saw all the people unsubbing and are just waiting for the furor to die down before they try to sneak more modern retail changes in…I mean they didnt REMOVE THE NEW GUILD UI AND THAT ALONE SHOULD SPEAK VOLUMES ABOUT THEIR REAL INTENTIONS HERE.
This talk of integrating it into services seems to confirm my suspicions the more I look at it. all that bold text seems to indicate tokens are gonna be introduced at some point in the future. they’re just waiting for enough of the “purists” to leave before attempting it.
all you people saying you won…i disagree…I think you guys just lost big time. it may take one or two or even three years but mark my words youll eventually see that token in the ui.
while you guys sit here and scream at each other some dumb buff your all ignoring the fact that their’s still a retail element in this game now and blizzard is refusing to back down.

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People saying “Bring back rend” need to get out of classic era and play SoD. That’s where you belong.


Era and QoL do not belong in the same sentence. What makes era era is the fact that there isn’t quality of life. If you want a polished game play the version that gets continued updates.


Any word on logout skips? will this be coming back? I just want to have an offical dev statement on logoutskips. if not thats cool i guess, but lost my motivation to go agane on hardcore without them and am just curious.

LMAO okay mate whatever

What we actually NEED @Blizzard if you are even reading this thread… is an OFFICIAL POLL on whether we want it or don’t want it.


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That’s a pretty farfetched equivalency you’re making. Making QoL improvements to games based on player feedback is an important part of growth. Their mistake was not getting that feedback prior to implementing this patch.

I wouldn’t describe it as players wanting it easier. As I said earlier, rend isn’t difficult to get. The only annoying aspect of a buff that has been shared by both sides for 5 years now is how long it takes for alliance to get it. Allowing people a little more time in their day to do things that doesn’t revolve around WoW isn’t a lot to ask for. Especially for those who still enjoy playing the game at a competitive level. It sure as hell isn’t going to cause a cataclysm like all of the other purists here believe it will.

Can you post a strawpoll to the player base and let them vote on if they want STORMREND returned?

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there isnt quality of life:
boons, PVP update. It’s already happened.

I dont want a polished client I want Ally Rend in Era.

I seriously don’t see the issue with letting people get buffs easier. If you’re mad about it, just click it off?



For some people and I’d say many in this thread, the thinking stops and starts with “what is best for me”. Every post that wants the changes to be reversed shows the same selfish narrative. I have yet to see anything else.

There’s even the projection of shallow selfishness on “horde players who wanted the change”. It shows a lack of any real understanding.

These are the types of people who stand for nothing real.

It’s nice to see that Blizzard reversed this, I think that Blizzard listens to the people who care only about their own wants far too often, and that really shouldn’t apply to Era.




they cant understand simple thing, STORMWINDMIGHT ITS NOT QUALITY OF LIFE, its buff from another version, most of this people even dont know what is difference with how getting rend and stormwindmight

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You’ve gotta be kidding with this one. Surely this is some sort of bait. Did you even read the thread from a week ago dude?

No one would be mad if it was never added however it was confirmed via an official bluepost.

Yep, I posted in it and I’ve been posting about not wanting changes to Era for a very long time. I don’t like the direction Blizzard took from TBCC up until Cata at all.


Alliance already has so many things that gives it a an edge in raiding. You want to easily raid with rend? roll horde or wait for classic plus to come out, thats vanilla. And if ZG/DMT/SF isnt enough for you to crush 20 year old raids then get good. CAST YOUR VOTE @BLIZZARD SEE THIS SIGN THE PETITION!!

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please bring back might of the sormwind!


Apparent take-aways from this thread is the Argument against is just: Lmao #nochanges get wrecked

and the Argument for is: It was a benefit to the server, the players, letting the raiding scene be more accessible to people who arent sweaty enough to get a second account and set up MC caps like most of us do.

There is nothing wrong with Stormrend, but when they added it, said it was intentional, guilds rejoiced and made plans, then backpeddled it nuking those Game and Community changes - it was a tone-deaf change that signaled they really do not have a pulse on the community.

a strawpoll hosted by a player isnt a good starting point as it will always lean towards the viewpoint of the host, their social circles are more likely to include people who share similar values/view points. Though I do appreciate the effort in making one, it would have to be a blizzard survey.

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