Classic Era Patch Updates

If you don’t like a post, then just don’t like it…? lmao


Imagine if they just took their cues from you guys. T3 toons would be up for sale already.

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Bring Back Stomrend


I only have 1 t3 toon and 2 total lmao. Not entirely sure what you’re insinuating here.

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Spell Details for Next Sprint Meeting

Duration: 1 hour
School: Physical
Mechanic: n/a
Dispel type: n/a
GCD category: n/a
Cost: None
Range: 50000 yards (Anywhere)
Cast time: Instant
Cooldown: n/a
GCD: 0 seconds

  • Ignore Line of Sight
  • Include in Advanced Combat Log


  1. Apply Aura: Increase Max Health - Flat
  • Value: 300
  • PVP Multiplier: 1
  1. Apply Aura: Mod Melee Attack Speed - %
  • Value: 15%
  • PVP Multiplier: 1
  1. Apply Aura: Power Regen (Mana)
  • Value: 10
  • PVP Multiplier: 1

Additional Notes:

  • This spell applies beneficial effects to characters:
    • Increases maximum health by 300.
    • Increases melee attack speed by 15%.
    • Provides mana regeneration of 10 every 5 seconds.
  • The spell has a duration of 1 hour and can be cast instantly from anywhere with a range of 50000 yards.
  • It ignores line of sight and includes advanced combat log information for detailed tracking.

Discussion Points:

  • Review implementation details.
  • Discuss any potential balance considerations.
  • Ensure compatibility with existing mechanics and systems.


  • Any relevant design documents or specifications.
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Bring Back Stormrend


Bring back stormrend


As much as I hate certain changes to Era, Might of Stormwind was a good one in the same way Chronoboons are. I’m all for having that back.


The removal of the “Might of Stormwind” buff in World of Warcraft Classic has significantly impacted the Alliance player base due to the necessity for balanced buffs between the Horde and Alliance factions. Previously, “Might of Stormwind” provided crucial enhancements such as increased hitpoints, melee attack speed, and mana regeneration, which were vital for Alliance players to compete on equal footing with their Horde counterparts. With its removal, Alliance players now face challenges in maintaining parity with Horde players who still benefit from their faction-specific buffs. This imbalance not only affects gameplay dynamics but also influences strategic decisions in PvP encounters and raid scenarios, where buffs play a critical role in achieving success. As a result, the absence of “Might of Stormwind” has underscored the importance of fair and equitable buff distribution across factions in maintaining a competitive and enjoyable gaming experience for Alliance players in World of Warcraft Classic.


Dear Mr. Blizzard Mod,
I wanted to let my voice be heard; that stormred was the best quality-of-life update we’ve had in a minute. You introduced the change by accident, and now the community is split due to that mistake. Maybe a great solution instead of just taking away something that most of the community really wants is to implement a poll. Let the community decide.


calm down chat gpt

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The only people complaining were horde mains. Check the accounts… All of us Alliance were thrilled we didn’t have to waste our time trying to mind control ourselves for Rend every reset. Rend is basically required for melee in Naxxramas. No alliance complained about the new buff. Getting rend every week by having to go to the barrens literally makes me want to stop playing the game.

Vanilla is not classic era. If you want to make it vanilla, then will you be removing chronoboons too?


Might of Stormwind being put into era was a welcome and needed quality of life change that reinvigorated the raiding scene on Era. There is no reason for that to be taken away and see little to no downside to have that being added. There is nothing sacred with having to level up a second account and/or other guildies making level 20 rend characters to MC yourself or other guildies to get a one-sided buff. This was a welcome change on the Mankrik cluster with many of us loving and enjoying it.

If anything please change the guild tab back to what it was, there were key permissions that were taken away that have disrupted many guild’s abilities to function.


I agree with reverting 2 of these changes but why on earth would you guys remove Might of Stormwind?
90% of melee raiders on Alliance (also some casters) use this buff every raid. We have been wasting hours upon hours weekly while at the risk of being griefed and killed in the barrens/org just to get Warchief’s Blessing. Majority of players agreed that Might of Stormwind was an amazing quality of life change.
Please consider putting this buff back in the game.
Without it the only difference is Alliance will have to go through the above struggles to get the same buff anyway which honestly is a problem that may result in players being less motivated to raid in classic era thus harming the player base.


The need of the many outweight the needs of the the few. The few being classic purists. Bring back Stormrend plz! ty!

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This really sucks the only thing that was a big deal was druid with polearms and the guild ui. You should of left rend. People are still going to get it now it just depends on how well connected you are. I really wish Rend would of stayed. BRING BACK STORMREND!


Blizzard bring back Might of Stormwind…this was a meaningful change that helped out the Alliance populated servers getting this wonderful buff.

Please revert! Please implement STORMREND!


I do find it funny the comments like ‘‘no alliance was upset’’ and ‘‘why not just remove chronoboons’’ as if both alliance being upset and people requesting to remove chronoboons arent in this thread already.

What constrains people from buying T3 toons?

Is it out of a sense or knowing that would be completely absurd and totally undermine the game they are playing?

Or is it the fact that T3 toons are simply not available on the cash shop?

The point being QoL for the sake of it is not the best course of action to take with your classic product no matter how many people want it.

This is the right decision for the game so of course its going to be upsetting to some players - the players that want it even easier. I think we can be a little skeptical of their objectivity on this matter.


You seem very preoccupied with this.
Players are expressing opinions and there’s bound to be some differences.

However keep in mind what the team has said today:

Again there are other Classic offerings that may have the qol you desire. Enjoy one of them!
Since so much of the concern is about a buff, check out SoD.