Classic Era Patch Updates

Sad you guys caved on good changes… alliance rend is a great change and druid polearm literally affected no one. Stop caving there are good changes for classic era like no dispelling, dual spec, ally rend…


Well this officially sucks. A happy accident reversed. T_T


Good on ya lads.


This is intended because of layer hoping and killing multiple a week, it works like a raid lock out now

Haha I love this name, adopting it!

For whatever it’s worth, I’m an Alliance main and Stormrend helped us greatly! However, I wanted it reverted because I support keeping the original version of the game pure (as much as possible, anyway). It’s absolutely true, it’s an imbalance that Horde have access to this buff and Alliance doesn’t, but there are a lot of other imbalances in the game. Ones that, back in 2004 to 2006 probably could have been fixed. But now?

For me personally, it’s tough to advocate in favour of Stormrend while also not advocating for other balance changes too. However, were I to do the latter, we start to move away Era being representative of the Vanilla experience and towards something new. That something new isn’t a bad thing, but it shouldn’t replace the Era we have now.

I don’t expect you to agree, but you clearly have your views on it and I just wanted to offer an alternative perspective.


Still need to fix DMT/Songflower buffs to be purgable and also logout skips

i also forgot, you guys should fix the BG queues. Before SoD we could queue battlegrounds with a full group (10 or 15 depending on the bg), now if you queue with more than 5 the queue will just never pop unless theres another group queuing with the same amount of people


Please bring back Rend for Alliance. QoL change that doesn’t impact gameplay…


Layers existed in classic as well. Era has zero layers right now.

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thank you for listening to us. you might get backlash for this, but that’s mostly because the changes were introduced to begin with. great reverts.

now let’s get yearly scourge invasions!!


Alliance will go get rend regardless, so “balance” means nothing. SW rend just made it so much more convenient to get the buff. #nochanges ended on day 1 as well so that argument doesn’t make any sense to me either. It all just seem very contrived to me.


Obviously the community seems divided between players who want to preserve the original experience as much as possible, and some who want some new QoL infused, and I don’t really know how you solve that, but I’m personally in the camp of people who want it to be as faithful to the original game as possible, even with all its bumps and caveats along the way.


Shamans op…chain heal…boom macro…windfury… theres plenty of things both ways but ally can get rend so stormwind rend was a good change…


Please note that although lack of communication was not the right course of action that does not mean all intended outcomes were an issue.

On the contrary to the minority of users complaining about Might of Stormrend please note that many users greatly welcomed these additions by the developers. Any serious raiding guild on Alliance raids with the Horde Rend buff regardless. These changes were merely a quality of life benefit to obtain an already existing feature of the game.

Might of Stormrend is not a blemish on your pristine ‘classic’ experience, it is merely a welcomed addition that many enjoyers of the genre benefitted from. Please reconsider your brash reaction to a few whistle blowers.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Hey, there is still an issue with Shaman that NEEDS to be reverted. I don’t know if what I say will be heard or read or not. But before the Patch, when Shaman used Elemental mastery, they could crit on their lightning bolt and if they cast it soon enough their shock would also crit.

After the patch, the second ability now no longer crits! This was how it was in Classic 2019 and Vanilla, and is a huge part of PvP and PvE, but got butchered for no reason


Horde has windfury. Get over your faction cope already.


In my opinion, the addition of Alliance’s Rend variant was fine. The updated guild tab is objectively better than the previous as well. I think if the guild tab opened to the roster tab by default and they removed the BNET integration to the guild tab, there’d be SIGNIFICANTLY less pushback than what you’re seeing now. The REAL deal-breaker for me was them breaking logout skips.

However, there’s a point to be made about the principality of making changes at this point of the game in the first place.

As you have said, it’s time to consult the community, Blizzard.


Pushes massive update without notice.

People get used to said update as it’s actually big QOL update.

Big streamers on Deviate delight make big fuss on server that won’t survive until it’s naxx phase.

change reverted a week later with no communication once again that it would be fixed.



A solid change that benefits literally every player and hurts no one gets implemented, and people are happy when it gets reversed? lol Adding Might of Stormwind was a massive benefit for Alliance raiders with no negative impact on horde, non-raiders, raiders who prefer to play without WBs, etc.


I dont think I will ever understand vanilla players mindset here. Truely astonishing.

Nothing but simple QoL buffs; but reeeee no changes. Whatever I guess.


No changes, this is what you wanted as a era purist. Scourge event should remain as a 1 time thing and not come back, AS intended.