Classic Era Patch Updates

You are reversing the good changes: Storm rend buff and cooldowns
and keeping the bad ones: Guild tab interface
Also this is just stupid, you give people something nice and then take it away. Now a lot of people are going to be angry no matter what so might as well keep the change that actually makes the game better. Stormrend should’ve been in the game in 2019, putting it now was too late. But removing it after you already put it is even worse.


“4 accounts should be required to summon yourself everywhere” clown


the purists wants a museum, an active healthy player base doesn’t allow for that.

This isnt 2004 were people don’t know and are still learning mechanics, people know and they are min-maxing everything.

As for the faction imbalance argument, I’d simply point you to the logs. look how many at the top, even on alliance have rend this change isnt going to change whos playing what faction. It makes it easier and not require multiple accounts, makes it accessible to the average player.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind. It benefits everyone, and hurts no one. It makes all of us have more free time to be able to play how we want.


yea its real had to have 4 people playing the game together and have summons set up as a guild / community. I never said anything about only one person doing this.

you are saying this as if we didn’t already have a way to get it as an alliance player WE WILL GET IT no matter what. This change was just a really good quality of life change for us that still raid in era and do every raid lockout. reverting the change just appeals to griefers and toxic behavior. BRING BACK STORMREND


The community wants Might of Stormwind back, this was a good change and an improvement in the quality of life. People complaining were griefing the majority and a legitimate poll will prove that. Please revert these quality of life changes and restore the patch changes.


I just submitted the following Jira support ticket for the next SPRINT:

-- Define the STORMREND function
local function STORMREND(character)
    -- Increase hitpoints by 300
    character.hitpoints = character.hitpoints + 300
    -- Apply 15% haste to melee attacks
    character.melee_haste = (1 + 0.15) * character.melee_haste
    -- Increase mana regeneration by 10 every 5 seconds
    character.mana_regen = character.mana_regen + 10

-- Example usage:
-- Assuming 'character' is a table representing the character's stats
local player1 = {
    hitpoints = 1000,
    melee_haste = 1.0, -- 1.0 represents 100% base haste
    mana_regen = 5

-- Apply STORMREND to player1

-- Output the updated stats
print("Player 1's stats after STORMREND:")
print("Hitpoints:", player1.hitpoints)
print("Melee Haste:", player1.melee_haste)
print("Mana Regen:", player1.mana_regen)

Please bring back Might of Stormwind


Bring back Might of Stormwind. I am all for keeping to the original spirit of the game, but the entitlement of a few should not outweigh those who are actively playing Era. Please bring back Might of Stormwind.


Yknow what? Just invalidate alliance logs with rend lmao

(this is barnacleposting).

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I play on PvE. Faction imbalance means nothing. Playing on a griefer server I mean pvp server is your own choice.


I spoke to the producer for the next sprint that we need to pivot our direction from SOD PROD changes to Classic PROD changes and rollback the STORMREND function seen below in this code snipit:

function STORMREND(player)
    -- Assuming 'player' is a table or object representing the player's stats
    -- Increase hitpoints by 300
    player.hitpoints = player.hitpoints + 300
    -- Apply 15% haste to melee attacks
    player.melee_haste = player.melee_haste + 0.15
    -- Increase mana regeneration by 10 every 5 seconds
    player.mana_regen = player.mana_regen + 10
    -- Optionally, update the last time mana regeneration was applied
    -- player.last_mana_regen_tick = os.time() (if tracking the time)

Yeah it’s not impossible, just really stupid to rely on that when we could just drop rend in SW with head

Helps with logistics too. Horde players dying out on PVE* realms. we’ll run out of buffs at some point.

  • edited because im smoothbrain
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Well then you’re in the absolute extreme minority. But I respect your ability to not mask your opinion like most other #nochanges individuals do.

I’d argue relying on your guild is a core vanilla pillar. It’s not how 2024 gamers work, though. I have offered to help guildies with consumes/golds before just to hear they bought gold…


Funny thing ia that blizzard let’s you hit like on a blue post but not a dislike


Thank you! I had no real hope for this but am very glad to be surprised.

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This code change introduces the implementation of the STORMREND function to enhance character stats in the game.

**Changes Made:**
- Implemented the STORMREND function in Lua to apply "Might of Stormwind" effects to character stats:
  - Increased hitpoints by 300.
  - Applied 15% haste to melee attacks.
  - Increased mana regeneration by 10 every 5 seconds.

Players will now experience improved survivability with increased hitpoints, faster melee attacks, and enhanced mana regeneration over time when affected by the "Might of Stormwind" ability.

**Code Changes:**
-- Define the STORMREND function
local function STORMREND(character)
    -- Increase hitpoints by 300
    character.hitpoints = character.hitpoints + 300
    -- Apply 15% haste to melee attacks
    character.melee_haste = (1 + 0.15) * character.melee_haste
    -- Increase mana regeneration by 10 every 5 seconds
    character.mana_regen = character.mana_regen + 10