Classic Era Patch Updates

Blizzard Dev Team
Please head back into your morning standup meeting and look at re-implementing the changes you hastily removed today. The Community that utilizes the “world buff” meta sees this as a HUGE quality of life improvement for those of us on the Alliance faction. We use these buffs to find further enjoyment in the game and creating new goals for us to strive for. Look at re-implementing the PTRs as well that way to can apply changes to the game with out the “oops we patched Production with something we didn’t plan for” Implement PTR and use that as your testing ground for new changes and allow your player base to assist in testing. If not you create these changes that impact the player base and create unreal expectations that cause immense frustration.

#BringBackStormrend #TestInDevNotProd


Its really not but I wouldn’t expect you to be objective over something you’re clearly passionate about.

1.12 was where we all agreed to be at. Do things change? I suppose they have too but there were some good reasons for most other changes. That doesn’t apply here.

This was a SoD move they thought they could get away with but found out they cant. Not because of anything Corpseknife says but because they made a promise to keep it authentic as possible and change it when it was only absolutely necessary.

This isnt one of those times. Alliance had a fun week. Hope yall enjoyed it.

As an aside I wouldnt get bent out of shape if they had “alliance rend week” for several weeks out of the year. Make it a little event instead of a permanent thing. Just dont let that open it up for crap like XP boosts.

I can meet ya halfway but I cant go all the way and say Era needs the alliance to have rend buffs because thats obviously not the case.


Stormrend was a good change.
Sad to see it get reverted this quickly without more time to breathe and get more player feedback.
Maybe learn to communicate better and this could have been avoided?
‘Hey guys, we plan to introduce alliance rend next patch for era, how do you guys feel about that?’
And then decide how to move forward from there instead of dropping it out of the blue for a few days then taking it away.

There’s clearly no plan or clear strategy on what you guys envision for ERA, please figure that out before you decide to implement anything else, thanks.


Please go jam it Corpseknife honestly. Just another salty Horde player.

pump your brakes, nara is the hero keeping mankrik DMT buffed. I can agree to disagree with them.

I don’t like it, but they deserve some respectful discourse.

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Alliance here and i agree with him. Leave classic alone. Retail, Cata Classic or Sod is there for people that want more changes.


I also had a fun week not logging on at random hours to mind control my ally friends.


As an extremely active Horde and Alliance raider in Classic Era and original Era player since the split, thank you.

Also as others have indicated, in regards to the Guild Community Tab just restore the old guild panel via the /guildroster command and remove the trigger code blocking it. I personally don’t care for the GCT and it is anything but an increase in management QoL for me.


Warcraft logs needs to invalidate all the alliance logs in which there is rend, that’s a better fix then nerfing all the raids because allys NEED to get rend lol.

Raiding as alliance on Era with rend is just making easy to content far too easy.

While he may keep DMT going for Mankrik cluster I can’t agree with what he’s saying but noted.

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WE want stormrend back. Gogogogo.


Is it so hard to believe multiple people share similar opinions? I’ve raided with all the these guys, a lot of them in the same night. Different dudes, other than Pip (he has a few alts with the same name).


bring back stormrend!


Yes, by all means prove what kind of person you are. This kind of feedback really “helps” your cause.

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It’s just more, try to be respectful in general? Nara wasn’t being aggressive.

all the pips agree; Make Stormrend Great Again


Except you clearly didnt have access to it before. Or maybe you did, but you’re posting doesn’t indicate that to me. A big part of getting rend on alliance is you have to go to enemy territory and its not easy. Its part of the faction imbalance and adds to the game by you having to actually go out into the world (more than horde do kuz they’re PvE nerds that chose the wrong faction to PvE with).

Correct me if I’m wrong tho. I’m curious how often you got rend before stormrend.

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Please bring back stormwind rend. don’t listen to the no changes horde players. It was such a good change. Really dissapointing blizzard.


i MC ort all the time

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Bring back STORMREND!

Bring back PTR!

Test in DEV not in PROD!