Classic Era Patch Updates

I feel it’s important to point out that it is far more common for people to write about what displeases them than what they are pleased with. While I will say I appreciate Blizzard taking accountability for their lack of communication on the matter, it’s disappointing that it was reverted so quickly because of the reviews. Of course the forum thread will be filled with people outraged by the changes, they have MORE of a reason to complain than those who are pleased and happy with the changes.

These changes were hated by some, but supported by a large part of the community as well. They aren’t game breaking and are simply QoL for those who don’t have time to get horde rend but have aspirations to play at a competitive level.

What should still happen is that we get a poll to get better understanding of how the community feels. Do not base big decisions like this on a bunch of people arguing with each other in forum threads, please. The opportunity to implement changes like these in the correct way is still an option. Please provide us with a poll so everyone can get a better understanding on how the entire community feels.


Please bring Stormrend back.


I loathe it myself but this is one of those things that doesn’t have any real impact on gameplay.

My feedback would be to just give players both options and way to toggle them based on preference.

Keep the current UI changes and put the old guild tab back on the social pane? Something along those lines perhaps.


“how it should be” is subjective considering you can’t have Vanilla without a time machine. I think that approach is a fallacy that can never be realized.
Where you think them acting in the interest of the game is them taking away the buffs I think the opposite. I think that was for the interest of the people who immediately whined about the change instead of played with it.
You said yourself it was only a week. How could you know how it would affect the game beyond your own fears?

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Reverting Might of Stormwind does not make sense. This world buff is in the spirit of the classic wow and the original game. It didn’t add a convenience to the game that eliminated gameplay or player interaction. Rather, it had the opposite and positive effect of encouraging more gameplay. We’ve seen more Alliance players enter UBRS this past week than in the past few months combined. If the changes to revert MoSW are happening, are you also going to revert the logout skips that were broken in the last patch? It doesn’t make sense to pick and choose which of these are considered feature creep. Reverting MoSW really feels like caving to a vocal minority of people that enjoy griefing or selling world buffs.


Bring back Might of Stormwind!


i actually started on Faerlina, (streamers were both a blessing and a curse, 14 guilds to house the Asmongold fanboys) but after the TBC split had no one other than the horde rogues sneaking into the city and ended up switching the two toons i kept and where at 60 to a pve server. before the server mergers.

Couldn’t do anything but ZG because of how few people we had at the time lol

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You’ve always had access to rend on alliance.
This changes nothing other than where you get it if you had access to it before stormrend was added.

Blizzard once again catering to the streamers who will just leave in a few weeks when the next big thing appears. Storm rend was a huge qol change for alliance


They stepped away from no changes with boons and pvp change. you want no changes go play private server


Hit the nail on the head. Don’t forget the salty Horde and the #NoChanges mob…


C O M M U N I C A T E. It’s not that hard. log into the game. make a poll. send emails.


this is why we like it


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Ty for reverting this. Just leave classic era alone please.


bring back stormrend


Stop, you have your Chronoboon but won’t accept this and what makes it worse is you’re Alliance. Disgusted to share the same faction…

Please bring back Stormwind rend


Same, the Stormrend buff wasn’t on paper a bad thing, but it came out of nowhere. It felt like that, polearms for Druids, and the retail guild UI, were all things that were added to SoD that somehow made it into Classic Era. Whether that’s true or not, I may never know, but that’s what it felt like. It made me worry they may end up making other changes to Era, and if I wanted those I’d just play SoD…or Cata/retail. I’m actually starting fresh on Era (hence the level 31 toon with no forum posts yet) because all my other toons I actually played got forced into Cata Classic.

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Very nice. I’d heard stories from those servers. Both good and bad. But it overall sounds like it was a fun or good experience.

I’ve played Classic 2019 from day 1 nonstop into era nonstop until now. Going on something like 5 years strait almost.