Classic Era Patch Updates

Players were complaining before the streamers.

Jus sayin’.

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Brother, I wish I was half as skilled at this game as half of those people lmao.

A quick glance at logs would let you know that a lot of us raid/have raided together at the same time.

I appreciate you trying to find a quick way to dismiss a differing opinion though.

Should work on hitting 60 in SoD instead of stormrend on era imo <3.


well im never unbooning again…


lmfao I believe you’re right but yknow it affects us too so why wouldn’t I comment?

We all used to raid together but defs not same person, thats a solid thought tho


something something massive changes to the core of the game are bad something something

then you have my vote for community manager. get this man to the top.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind


You right braj


all the pips are me the others are not, duh

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You’re smoking something crazy right now brother.

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This post represents once again that Blizzard is disconnected from reality. How many times has this team communicated its intention to remain connected with the community only to go back to making the same mistakes. Then trying to correct those mistakes when significant damage has already be inflicted.

This issue is 100% a result of Blizzards continuous failure to communicate - the response is always the same and unsurprisingly they will again disappear. This is coming from the person who loves polls but didn’t actually poll the community.

I’m not even actively playing Era and don’t have an opinion here either way but am just disappointed in the continuous lies from this team.


Man, the 36 posts on the fourms from last week complaining about Stormrend is bigger than the almost 600 posts in just the last 3 hrs, I think more players care about stormrend then those who hated it and wanted it removed


I’m honestly here for the Kuramo data updates.


Cant even make a cohesive argument. I wouldn’t care if they removed boons at all. I have summons and a whole network from 2019 to get all my WBs and to raid. The game could have no changes at all and would be fine. Boon is QoL. It’s not implemented the best but just like stormrend when it was here why not use something when its here?

Oh great, another out of touch update.


Stop caving to the minority. The Core community and 99.9% of players on these servers appreciate quality of life changes. Stormrend being #1. BRING BACK STORMREND!


Oh thanks, I really wanted to have to continue paying for another sub and sit afk in Org/Barrens for hours while the moron faction tries to extort someone for gold (usually an ally alt) to drop us a buff all while some players that have never made it past bronze in any game ever try and grief. Great change, it’s really awesome that one faction has to jump through ridiculous hoops and eat griefing because of a vocal minority.

This is the same type of crap that got us awful spell batching. Change it back.


Bring back stormrend!


Bring back the buffs please.

Pure QoL change that the majority of ERA players loved. You created a buzz in the game. Everyone was doing UBRS.

A small but very vocal majority bullied you into rolling back changes. Please listen to the legitimate players posting on active ERA 60s who were in favour of the changes.

+1 to Ebi’s call to bring back proper community management to help you read the room and communicate with us better.