Classic Era Patch Updates

80/20 firm, got 2 bills on it


Someone who has been playing Era as long as Ort, or really just anyone with his exp would be so incredibly based for the entire playerbase.

We’re severely lacking someone who is in touch with what the community wants.

Ort for Era Community Manager.


i second that


We did crappy and really over the top things to get around this issue that could be solved easily by making things equitable is not the case you seem to think it is. I “suffered” so should you is just a bad excuse to keep it the same.


It was so nice when GMs actively played WoW. Changes were intended to help the community.

Now Classic Era gets trolled by Blizzard. Our ability to send in game whisper to players in a raid instance is broken for what 3 months and not even an official acknowledgment of the bug but a few streamers complain and within days a QoL improvement is removed.

Please get dedicated Community Managers that play Classic Era.


There was no suffering. Just playing the game with its faults to the maximum. You do what you have to do.

Half the people in here cant even post on a 60 that’s in era it seems.


Unfortunate. I think you listened to an extremely loud minority on these issues. They were minimal changes. Please keep them instead of listening to a loud minority.


You thought you wanted Classic Era but you didn’t.

They should re-implement stormrend and allow players from any faction to grab rend/stormrend as long as they are in the zone of buff drop with no mc required

This would make it so alliance can just walk in to barrens if they want rend, and horde can just walk to stormwind gate if they want stormrend

This would help both factions because horde would be able to absorb the newly implemented stormrend instead of scavenging for the few available rend drops


Bring back #Stormrend!


Ort spittin. Seriously don’t understand why we aren’t getting more surveys or questions about what we as a community want.


It’s really nice that you guys were able to cater to streamers and griefers, when you guys want to start allocating the funds for the actual player base playing your game and paying you let us know we’re waiting.


Did we seariously lose Stormrend because of streamers complaining? How out of touch with the playerbase can you be?

Bring back Stormrend!


Bring back the buff! I just started playing because my friends all came back because of it, and now they don’t want to play anymore. This sucks… it’s like sour milk in a jug that doesn’t expire for another week.


Streamers and redditors on /r/classicwow who play era once every year.


Kaivax getting absolutely cooked because they catered to some streamers who will be gone in like 2 months lmao.


As a forever player of Classic, please give the Alliance a Stormwind Rend buff permanently!


I’d wager if you hardware trace Pippin, Pippy, Vn, both Pipmc, Zay, Bossbabyy, Eblis and Ort it would all be coming from the same PC. That’s a wild way to spend your day.

I was wrong about Ort and Bossbabyy but damn if I wasn’t right about the rest of them.

If anything, I’d like to see all WB removed from raids. But no “Might of Stormwind” is the appropriate action, it should never have been introduced to begin with. If some people choose to engage with the game in a particular way, that’s on them. Chronoboon is already a massive divergence to enable modern era gaming which I’d prefer didn’t exist.


Yea boon every week. unboon at the start of naxx and clear it in 47 min. Have rend the whole time.

I think the boon is stupid in its implementation. Its supposed to protect your buffs in open world from pvp on a pvp server as well as protect the time of those buffs. It’s not supposed to protect your buffs in raid. So when you zone into a 40 man it should pop your buffs. You shoudln’t be able to hold buffs like players do currently and unboon for certain bosses etc. If you didnt want boons popped leave the boon in your bank.

Best of both worlds.

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