Classic Era Patch Updates

As someone who is a die hard Classic Fan, thank you so much. Please understand that from a Classic purist point of view, one of the reasons we love this game some much is the little nuances that make this game different.

Having Horde and Alliance be different is what makes this game so special to so many of us.

When people complain that Vanilla purists are just complaining we have good reason. Our fear as a community is that the changes of course would just keep going and eventually we just donā€™t have classic. Itā€™s a shell of the game we love.

Blizzard already has a ā€˜classicā€™ to make changes too called SoM. Voice your opinions with Blizzard to get them to make these changes there in the next ā€˜seasonā€™. Let them give world buffs to Alliance, hell, give Paladins and Shamans to the opposite factions, make new classes and races with new racialsā€¦ I donā€™t care. Let those players who want changes have their game as wellā€¦

ā€¦ just allow those of us who love the original game the ability to play it.


Wild how long that took to admit it. And only after you guys caught flack for it.


The vocal minority won. Stormrend was an objectively positive change to classic. -1 sub


notice how the only people crying and whining about alliance getting rend are washed up horde players, give alliance back rend and tell these horde babies to stop crying.


Alliance Rend head is best of decision Blizzard made so far and we enjoy that, so without Alliance Rend I am going to Unsubscribe this game. Good luck guys.


Thank you for communicating this to the community. This was greatly appreciated. However, I kinda feel for the druids that shelled out money for polearm training and bought polearms off the AH :confused:


rare Blizz W


I hope reverting these changes causes the hardcore servers to crash while weā€™re raiding again. Thanks Blizzard.

Does the dev team plan to look in to unintended changes to Era that Hardcore brought as well?

Era world bosses can only be looted once a week. Where as in 2019 you could kill and loot them as much as they spawned. Been a bug since the loot change in Hardcore.


None of us asked to be reverted other than the lower tier players. Most of us in the more successful guilds in Classic, while we didnt care for the Guild GUI, Alliance Rend was needed. This made you devs look even more silly. SoD wasnā€™t wanted in its favor either. We just wanted Classic+ with Classc Era expanded on.


hi i play both, the changes were awful


This is how you get people to quit Blizzard. Make something weā€™re already doing less tedious and people get excited. Take it away the next week and itā€™s just depressing. Itā€™s 2024 not 2004, give us our QoL changes. All this was was a QoL change.


idk wether i am in the minority or not but i really enjoyed stormwind rend and am upset that its gone now


Itā€™s ironic you and the team throw around the term ā€œBalanceā€ yet you let World buffs rule the meta when a simple removal of them in raids would have stopped this from even being an issue to begin with. They were originally placed in the game for flavor and the original team never intended them to be abused as they are now.

And on the topic of ā€œBalanceā€ you talk like Rend is all Horde had. Not like they donā€™t have the better racials for both PvE and PvP as a whole compared to the Alliance, right? Iā€™m sure the Horde were all jumping ship to be Alliance the moment they heard about our version of Rend.


Thank you for listening to reason and reverting changes to a version of the game that was never meant to be changed.

While I can understand why many people liked the changes in a vacuum, the implications that the changes had on the long-term future of Era were deeply concerning.

Now we can enjoy Vanilla for what it is, imperfections and all.


This is a huge L Blizzard.


go play sod then


Please donā€™t remove Might of Stormwind from the game, this was one of the very few changes that were actually beneficial to the game. Please donā€™t let angry boomers pull you guys away from making the game to some degree more fair. Might of Stormwind was an incredibly beneficial change and the others made little to no impact on the game in the first place.


Lol I love that all of the people complaining about them reverting it obviously donā€™t play era and are posting from cata alts.

Great change Blizzard, now fix songflower/DMT and make them dispelable again.

-Alliance that loves ā€œStormrendā€ is gone and has no horde alts. Southern Barrens PVP is back on the menu baby. This also keeps incentive for horde to stay horde and not roll alliance. More people to PVP with. Go play SoD if you want rend.


Alliance had Paladins which is better than the buff and racials.

Paladin buffs are extremely good and make PVE imbalanced in Alliances favour. The best PVE guilds in Vanilla were for the most partā€¦ Allianceā€¦ Because of Paladin buffs.

Not only that, but Paladins bubble makes them extremely hard in PVP as they have immunity and can just sit there and heal their team.

The two TOP PVP guilds, were both Alliance.