Classic Era Patch Updates

I would not like the chronoboon gone, but it is the only logical way for me to support removal of the stormrend buff. Otherwise it’s hypocritical imo

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Whoops sorry, there we go on my 60 now.

Blizzard! Bring back Stormrend 2024!


just so i can hear your wonderful voice of course

Reversing these changes is so bad…They were only QoL and on hardcore practically NECESSARY for a rend drop without risking your life.

Blizz its VERY VERY clear your dont care about hardcore at all.

Seriously disappointing at every turn you make s h i t decisions.


Bad change, as a horde on the pve cluster I was looking forward to more methods to getting rend as our rend drops are a bit scarce. Would have been nice to have it for every raid, and encourage us to also level alliance creating more heart/head buffs.


If blizzard is really saying they want classic nochanges,

They should own up to their own words take away this crappy new cata UI

Don’t take away the good things like STORMREND, and ignore all the other sh$t changes that were implemented

They also removed other QOL changes that were in classic like logout skips, but won’t bring those back now even though those were in classic


i dont hide behind different names

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You know what the solution to a tiny horde faction is? YOU alliance players go boost horde side to drop rends. That’s what we did on whitemane before the population boom. We coordinated 1 drop per week for the 2 guilds on the alliance side and 1 horde guild because outside of naxx you dont need it.

I’ve been on era for 3 years and the only minority is those who are new and want changes to the game that has been fine left alone for those 3+ years (other than invasion, we need it).

Is stormrend nice? Yes. Is it a good QoL change? Yes. But not at the cost of part of the core game, going into the enemies capitol to steal the sun buff. Rend is supposed to be hard to get. Suck it up and get it how we have been since 2019 launch if you really need it.


Please bring back Stormwind Rend


Don’t forget the people who don’t actually play Era and instead treat it like a museum they visit on vacation every few years.

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i embrace the pip

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Such a stupid reverse.


I used all my troll flags for you already bro. It’s not cute.


Please bring back Stormwind Rend


XD we have a dude mega sock-puppeting throughout the thread (while admitting to trolling) and yet people want to treat this as a place worthy of serious feedback consideration. This is why if changes were valid as a concept (they’re not) it would at the least be imperative for Blizzard to standardize and vet the possibility of changes with a polling system tied to identity, otherwise you end up with a very distorted perception of what is and isn’t popular sentiment, as I’ve brought up since the beginning and as this idiot is literally proving (while trying to argue for the opposite).


Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. You guys did right by the Era base and its not lost on this old man. Thank you so much.


over/under that this dude who is yapping about core changes to the game uses boon every week?


Rebumping the idea blizz needs to start polling. This is far better than doing the forum pitchfork riot thing. it’s tiresome.

Seriously, if you guys need someone to do that for you hit me up. I’ll do that ish for FREE. Community manager me up.


bring back stormrend