Classic Era Patch Updates

XD I love how stupid people out themselves like this

hello sir im not sure you’ve noticed but you seem to be in the shape of a fiddle.

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youre the one getting sucked in by a troll who says he only trolls idiots

Imagine taking away one of the best QOL features era players have been begging for for years just because some streamers on a server they’ll abandon before the end of the year aren’t happy about it.


1.5k likes??? Which idiots thought this post was a positive change?

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(again you’re admitting that you’re trolling, your opinion is invalid)

Have you tried SoD?
I hear it’s pretty fun with all the qol and changes.
Maybe try it if you haven’t already?
They kept that change.

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Please STOP catering to the extremely loud gatekeepers.

This change was actually very good and should have been part of the original game. Era is NOT the same as Classic and it never has been so the #nochanges crowd need to stop being the only group that is listened to. From the introduction of the chronoboon the world buff meta is MASSIVELY different than Classic. Raids operate quite differently under the chronoboon than they ever have before; so we have already established massive changes that give reason to this change. And then Rend was already made easier for horde by making it such that the entirety of the Barrens gets the buff - another quite massive change.

Now Alliance can finally stop going through massive hoops after it has been made easier twice for Horde and it gets taken away this quickly.

Gatekeepers are ruining the game. Stop with the nochanges nonsense because it’s not being established fairly across. Gatekeepers want changes that help them out and want to keep everything else the “same” - when it’s a very very different game these days.

Extremely disappointed.


I am NOT levitating with these changes I am seething rn


Please bring back stormrend. It was a simple but significant QoL improvement. Those who want to do it the hard way can simply click it off.


I’ve been playing for 160+ weeks strait in era. Where are these players that don’t raid you speak of that are the vocal minority? Apparently I haven’t raided enough for you to think I raid? I think stormrend was unnecessary and takes away from the faction imbalance that makes era so good and unique compared to ANY other version. Anyone that plays era to raid alliance side has a MC to get rend if they’re any good/not casual.


Please bring back Stormwind rend


You think being forced to go to Barrens is… somehow a better system?


its a system i was glad was over with


Hunger Strike until they fix this.


i liked the stormrend system


I play on the servers being affected and I can assure you that everyone on Ally side was very happy with Stormrend. There is no down side. The only people who were complaining in the slightest were rando lowbies leveling an alt that cry about no changes in a game they choose to play that has had 50+ changes made. The idea that we should listen to anyone but the raiding community on this change is laughable.


lvl 51 ret pallies for instance

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Actually devastated with this change.

How do you say it was intended than change it? Speak with your chest or don’t speak at all.


Thank you.

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