Classic Era Patch Updates

Not really. In the whole thread there have been more players advocating for no changes. The minority is indeed the group of people who bring their guild members and alts here to try and stir up demand for something which isn’t reflected in the majority of the actual playerbase (i.e. beyond the forums).

i can and have summarized that whole paragraph into two words or merely three letters “no u”

You state that alliance don’t have access to it(rend). That is true of most players, but you do still have access to it. It just requires a lot of work and 2 accounts ,one of which requires a lvl 20 of any variety with engineering plus a mind control cap and the other option is a 58+ priest to mind control.

Everything else you bring up is spot on.

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So grerdy if they did just because of this

Based on what lol ur so clueless

Well said, couldnt agree more


Really going back to 2006 with that laughable attempt at an insult. You sure you’re pro-changes after all, boomer?

Again, this is your reading comprehension failing. There is more to the paragraph than that, but keep demonstrating your stupidity, it’s genuinely amusing.

You failed to account for those who do when engaging me directly with your initial comment.
No one is “mad” just correcting your misconception.

This feels like a kick in the stomach. On Hardcore - Skull Rock the might of Stormwind buff was really nice to have. Its not like we arent just gonna go get warchief blessings anyways. This was just an incredible QoL on such a low pop server. Please bring it back.


lmfao ok buddy good comms

you really do have me livin in your head rent free im actually flattered theres not alot of room in here though

I mean your only posts on this entire forum have been you ‘trolling’ me. Absolutely zero substance elsewhere. (still failing to engage with the points btw)

Stormrend was a good QoL change. Same as the boons (which are still in game).

For the purists, they can choose to use the boon or not. They can keep Stormrend on or click it off. As long as the changes are optional in terms of use, I don’t see the issue.


you havent read all my posts if you think that

You arent playing real vanilla already alodar keep saying it over n over it wont make it true. Good classic changes are good. Full stop


“12 posts”
Or are you going to admit that you sockpuppet via alts, again proving my points?

Chiming in again between the flame war posts just to say Stormrend was an amazing QoL change and I loath going back to the rend mines.


admiting i speak under my alts name is a crime? i have spoken on my alts before on this thread take me away officer

Stormrend BIS.
Blizzard not polling the community is NOT bis