Classic Era Patch Updates

So, you agree the changes have improved your Era experience, even if you wish they worked slightly differently.

That’s my point.

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I’m slightly confused since I only addressed the reason for the initial massive dropoff.

Bro your only posts on this char are you, by your own admission, trolling. Same question right back at you

i only troll idiots

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The population rebounded because of the PvP system rework. I was there before and after. Literally the day the patch hit, 10x as many players.

Please bring back Might of Stormwind. Was an actually positive change.

The vocal minority who don’t even play shouldn’t influence all the decisions.


Not the sole reason.

:joy: okay bud

as someone whom has lvl’d 6 toons to 60 in era

I like it, saves the raid warriors the time of lvling a horde alt to get the same thing


Your perception may be your reality but that doesn’t make it fact.


Making an official blue post then reverting it a week later… like seriously.


BRO WHAT, that’s literally how that works

Go troll yourself then? You can’t engage in reasoning at all which is why you troll. The only actual ‘points’ you’ve attempted to make are you gaslighting me about a failed assumption, and you saying ‘you are dumb lol’ (and then also admitting that you’re a troll). Go post your IQ test results, I’ll paypal you 10k if you score over 80.

nice comeback you literally just said “no u” but in a paragraph


I am grateful you’ve not had any friends or loved ones that struggle with mental disorders.

I didn’t ‘just’ say that. Again, your IQ is so low that you don’t even have the reading comprehension to grasp the rest of the paragraph, LOL.

Vocal minority… same 3 trolls defending blizzard reverting


Don’t get mad at me for what you did bro. I’m not trying to be mean to your condition. Im trying to figure out your logic.

You people with your slippery slope bs holy cow. CLASSIC WAS NEVER CLASSIC TO BEGIN WITH!!! Itemization, talents, spells, you name it has been different since day 1 of classic coming back, you all loved chrono boon when it finally came out now you poo poo other good changes cause “slippery slopes”. Guess what bucko grab your skis we are riding this mothertrucker all the way down the slope !!!

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IQ test results from a dude that is a real life basement dweller at their mom’s house. GG bro.