Classic Era Patch Updates

Bet thanks for admitting you’re a troll lil bro

PvP on Era was literally dead until the PvP system revamp. Like, AV did not pop at all. WSG would only pop when scheduled on weekends. Only a few truly insane people were running sand and getting a token 15 HK’s to rank up.

If you want Era to be actually playable for the long term, then changes are necessary. And all changes Blizzard has introduced (including the ones that were just reverted) have been excellent for the long-term health of the game.


regardless your ideas are stupid and you should feel bad


Self-admitted troll still yapping as if his statements carry any meaning at this point (also brings his guildmates to raid the thread, literally proving my point about the vocal minority lmao).


irrelevant. Not the same thing.

Irrelevant. Not the same thing. In retail they have always required vastly greater feedback and still often time ignored it. It wasn’t until recently they started to listen more. Classic servers have always been more open to conversation.

You say a lot of stuff that is just irrelevant and does not pertain to the conversation and try to use it as evidence.

did you really just edit that post to spout more dribble


Still yapping zzz

Please bring back Might of Stormwind


More nobodys complaining that dont’ even play era.


Alodar, all due respect of your opinion. Do you not care that this also affects people in SoD? You tell people to go there for the changes but it was taken from SoD players too. So help us understand, do you care about anyone’s experience but your own?


I demand a poll to bring back Might of Stormwind! Silence this increasingly toxic discussion once and for all with democracy!


Tons of people in the thread disagree with you and your level 80 char. It must be nice living in a world where you can just instantly dismiss all opposing viewpoints based on unsubstantiated speculation.

Do you understand that my main Fargos is on Mankrik and is 60. I just started to post today so I met my limited.

Here…Is this better?


There was a concerted effort to organize once the population dropped following the release of TBC. It was working albeit slowly. People had to adjust to a new paradigm and that took time.

It is not the case now as the population rebounded. That’s good so we could revert to the old system and I would welcome it. But Blizzard probably wouldn’t do that because qol is unfortunately too entrenched.

Please bring back Might of Stormwind. It was a much-needed QoL change, especially on Mankrik.


20 slot bag is a minor change and only gives quality of life. My warrior literally only has 2 open bag slots. There is no gameplay change here.

The old pvp system allowed us to get GM when the poputlaion was 2 alli guilds and 1 horde. So in some ways the new system is better, but you couldnt get GM with the lower population in the new system. And I see that as a negative. But overall the new system is good and better than the old.

Chronoboon is nice, But it should pop when you zone into a 40 man. it should protect your buffs in the world, but not in raids. You shouldn’t have a choice of where to unboon in raid.

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To be fair to both of you, there were many factors which contributed to the population increase on Era. It’s difficult to attribute it to any one thing.


No because it still doesn’t change the core point, which is that you’re just as much a nobody as anyone else.

bro who hurt you