Classic Era Patch Updates

False. Reddit and this forum are not representative of the average player, but rather, a vocal minority with a very loud agenda.

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Such a fast fix and taking suggestion from the community.
Ok then when is buff and debuff cap going to be removed for era?

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That’s insane. The way people play has changed since 2004. Knowing exactly how to stack the PvP brackets & boost the pool with level 1 characters that get 15 kills is extremely lame. The PvP system needed an overhaul and the new one is better in every way.

That shows how changes can be good. Might of Stormwind + 1 min cooldown on buff drops was objectively good.

Druids using polearms is whatever. There are no endgame polearms itemized for Druids anyway. Really just helps leveling and hardcore Druids gear up more easily.


false, horde hated it. So at best, maybe 50% of people liked it… and as you can see in the posts, there are even alliance who didn’t like the initial changes.


im going off of in game LFG not my favorite streamers chat like you

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You can sit in the Crossroads much easier to do that if you must.
Pay for a buff?
That’s silly.

I don’t watch any WoW streamers nowadays except Payo, who doesn’t really play era anymore, so keep your assumptions to yourself. I’m going off the sentiment of various guilds.

thats cap af my man youre just spouting what your hear on the internet

Well done Blizz. You just lost a guild of subs.

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It’s literally not LMFAO. When you encounter someone who differs from your preconceptions the adult thing to do is actually engage with them instead of trying to gaslight reality to your will, by the way. How insane is it that you barge into the conversation with an assumption that is outright untrue and then instead of accepting that maybe you’re wrong you’d rather just outright gaslight and lie. Lil bro, you know nothing about me yet you’re confident enough to try and rewrite reality. Awesome brain.

And there are other versions of Classic that facilitate that. Era is the base which should be as unchanged as possible.


oh its “literally” not im sorry i thought it was now youve completely changed my mind

Yeah sure man… these players that were all fine playing 2 weeks ago before the changes were announced are suddenly now all going to quit because they’ve cancelled the changes that they made and the game is simply now the same as it was when people were happy 2 weeks ago.



You came in and stated Blizzard listened to the vocal minority in forums posts. I responded with you not knowing what all lengths the community went to for feedback. Further stating you need to match that same effort if you want change.

My example was if it was just forum posts, you have the Clone mega thread with over 1k posts and no clones. My example there is more than that involved was flight and how Ion responded to us stating they received overwhelming feedback in regards to flight in polls, forums posts, outside polls, and emails. Which is proof it takes far more than just a forum post to get a response.

Your entire argument is now twisting my example of how you get results when you want things, into claiming I stated specifically that Ion made a post on Classic. So, where is your proof he stated nothing to my example where we clearly did more than just a forum post to get results? And where is your proof that the playerbase didn’t do similar when we have threads still up where players were stating unsubbing and stating the changes as our reason wasn’t a factor?

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get your 51 ret pally *** outta here bro

I agree, thats why I trust the fact that every single person in my guild liked Stormrend. Over what anyone says on the forums. Guild tabs were contested not Stormrend.

I don’t think you understand how large of a sway you guys have in this kind of stuff.

Horde have been at a disadvantage for what, 20 years now in Vanilla? Why would this all of a sudden set them over the edge? They have advantages in Vanilla Alliance don’t. Windfury, AV is better for horde, Visc is a cheese as horde. Shaman is still unique to horde and imo much more fun than it’s counterpart. People will not leave in mass.

Rend is insanely accessible to Alliance as is, taking the buff does nothing but make it harder. I promise you I will still have rend without this buff, it’s just going to make it more time consuming for me, and eventually kill off the option of putting more rend buffs into the system for both factions.

Alodar, we have been asking Blizzard for years now for a solution to the scarcity of world buffs in era as the playerbase has gone in waves of being super populated to not. This was a direct fix for that that also benefited horde, Horde the least played faction now has a chance to get Rend the same way alliance were.

There are also horde in this thread who are against the change.


The point, you low IQ dolt, is the rest of the post which you ignored. You are gaslighting me instead of accepting that your assumption/preconception was simply wrong. I know my own life–you don’t, thanks.

Thank you for listening and reverting those changes. 1 more change to go! Please fix guild UI, I don’t speak for many wow players, but I do not like it, and do not wish to have it in classic era.


i just know i can push a ret pallies buttons so effortlessly