Classic Era Patch Updates

We have… put those changes into the game that needs them. You have a version of the game that has changes in SoD. Get them to add these changes to that!

Why can’t vanilla purists play the version of the game they love.

People who want changes already have the game they can play in SoD.

Why can’t both be happy?


Revert chronoboon and 20 slot backpack while you’re at it

Also, take us back to the original PvP system

Let’s make Era as insufferable as possible



Says another nobody.

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Hey Alodar,

I don’t like SoD. It’s strayed too far from the path of Vanilla for me.

Classic is already inherently not Vanilla Pure.

The bigger issue is that you liking a pure version of vanilla pure, should not be force fed onto the larger portion of the community who has been playing era for years.

People clearly were really stoked about might of stormwind, I appreciate what you’re doing on DD and I think it’s cool, but I can’t help but feel slighted that a bunch of streamers who seemingly hop from the next big thing to the next have demanded a change that will affect players who will be playing the game longer than them.

With that note, you absolutely cooked Alex and that was great content!


OK… and you are???.. Nobody. And likely don’t even play on Era.

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Because it is no LONGER vanilla. It hasnt been for a long while now. To say boons, PvP changes ect… are a part of era makes your arguement look dumb. If you want 100% Era, private servers are out there. But nothing is going to be “pure” vanilla anymore. Get used to it.

Then show me in proof where he didn’t say it. My proof is we have flight and he stated it. If you say he didn’t state it, prove me wrong. That is absolutely have burden of proof works.

The quote you are quoting me on has no regards at all to Classic. it was made with operation flight which i outlined in my post. Now, are you going to continue to try and twist it around when I said nothing about him commenting on the changes for Classic? Or are you going to post proof he stated we didn’t get flight back because of actual feedback outside of a forum post like the community and their failed clone attempts?

SoD is a completely different game. The handful of “no changes” people telling people to go play SoD for changes know they are disingenuous and know that’s a BS comparison. A handful of qualify of life and bug fixes are completely fine. You’re still playing the same game and not doing anything your weren’t already doing.


I was incredibly saddened to logon today to find out Stormrend was removed. I understand the “no changes” mentality and am in support of removing druid polearms which is something that actually changes the gameplay of the game. However, adding a convenience for 90% of the Mankrik cluster did nothing to “break” the game.

When Chronoboons were added no one seemed to have an issue there (I understand this was pre-era), however, that was a GREAT change that benefited the entire playerbase except for those of you that like to decurse for fun.

Also why are we only reverting half of these changes anyways if we are going to take a step back on them? Retail guild UI still exists, logout skips gone? What an absolute mess… Please please please do enough research/thought beforehand before implementing changes like this at all, and listen to the entire community, not the vocal few that more than likely aren’t even actively playing era and just reading blueposts.


Make Era as close to the original as possible.
If you find that insufferable play one of the Classic versions that has what you want.
SoD still has the buff.


I don’t see you whining to get your 20 slot backpack removed

Or the old PvP system

Or the chronoboon

Do you enjoy those things?


oh no its broken, its an actual clown


Well done Blizzard, appreciated.


I would like all the changes in Era reverted.
I was told it would be “warts and all”.


Level 80 druid with 5 posts, pot, kettle, black. The sentiment expressed by me is commonplace among people who play era, by the way. Most dissenters here are a vocal minority of retail shills with an agenda (including yourself… your goal is to essentially redirect era into your own arbitrary vision of what’s ideal–and the moment blizzard tries to capitulate to this logic, the game dilutes in a million directions and loses its essence because everyone has their own personal list of ‘oughts’. We’ve already seen this with SoD. Why don’t you engage substantively?)


Okay, Here is the proof https:/ /

You responded to me in a topic about classic, where my previous statement was about people did have multiple cappers in classic and so your saying your argument against that was you trust Ion more talking about receiving feedback in a different part of the game?

You are having extra conversations with yourself lol. You might want to get that checked out.

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false most people like the stormrend


As someone who has 160+ weeks strait raiding IN ERA. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Anyone that is serious about raiding alliance side has a 2nd acc and either MC cap or 58+ priest or has guildies/friends that do to get rend. If you don’t you haven’t been in era very long.


I think you’re seriously underestimating how many people hated the initial changes to begin with. To suggest it was 3 angry horde streamers is grossly underestimating how many people hated the changes.

What happens when these changes come in and horde players decide to leave en mass to play Alliance (I was also considering it). How would the game feel to you then with it being basically one faction. How did 100% horde Faerlina or 100% benediction feel to you.

Then also let us not forget what that change in faction balance would then do to WPvP and BGs. This is Era remember, the queue times would be absolutely enormous for Alliance.

There is a lot more to it than just “It made getting buffs easier”. PVE is already in Alliance favour.

ALso, there are even alliance in this very thread that are commenting that they don’t like the buffs.

Also, glad you enjoyed the content.


It’s great for SoD.
Not Era.