Classic Era Patch Updates

You might want to research that a little before making that statement. His forums posts might still be hidden somewhere on he forums where he personally posted in them on his Blizzard account.

any info on Warlock pets losing abilities?

No. It doesn’t exist. Prove otherwise. I am not gonna spend hours digging on something that is apparently not even public and probably doesn’t exist.

I’m a Mind Control slave, please free me from this hellish existence.


Wtf, was hype for alliance rend, now I’m gonna have to go back to MC caps and priests???

One of the few changes that was good and Blizzard removes it days later thanks to a vocal minority
 at least run a POLL before you undo changes like this.


God forbid that Blizzard actually hires people that reads what others say in game
A GM perhaps would be a positive addition? Blizzard cares only as long as they CC keep swiping.


then i vote to get rend back for alliance, all this change does it make it so you can grab cash from raiders whom have to have second accounts just to get the horde rend.

Or remove both


Those 3 changes were no-brainers. Objectively good for the long-term health of Era.

All you whiners on the forums ruined it.



Thank you for listening to the community Blizzard! much respect!

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Good thing they listened to the people who won’t be playing come next month :slight_smile:


I think we all need to lower our expectations.

Blizzard at the end of the day is just a multi billion dollar company.

We shouldn’t expect changes the majority of the community want or active communication with us. They just simply do not have the resources for such a thing.


I wonder if the three angry horde players in here realize they will just have a less populated server because of this. Maybe its more important to troll. idk

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No! Might of Stormwind was such a minor yet positive quality of life improvement! especially when coupled with the one-min cooldown.

Alliance people were already treating Rend as mandatory and getting it. The logistics of scheduling cross-faction drops and mind controls is nothing more than an interruption to raid schedules and a logistic hassle.

On the sever cluster that includes Pagel all the raiding guilds were on more even ground with it.

We collectively have no clue who was so vocally opposed to Might of Stormwind but it’s not our Era raiding community as best as I know.

Our guild runs MC, BWL, AQ and fields two Naxx raids every week. We have rallied on our Discord server to come here and voice our desire for Might of Stormwind and the 1-min cooldown to return. It’s still Classic when there are some improvements! #SomeChanges


That isn’t how burden of proof works sir. You challenged me, so prove to me where we didn’t get flight back and he said nothing like that. My proof is we have flight, and the things we did is what got it back. So now, back to burden of proof. Show me where what I said is wrong and he specifically said something different or admitted otherwise.

Boy do you guys look dumb as this update LOL.


Can we just get one streamer who isn’t looking at this as a side Hussle to profit off of us communicate to Blizzard on changes we actively want in the game? Seems to be our only hope.


It’s deserved for not being genuine. Had they said it was an accident and wanted player feedback it would have been much better received than telling us it was intentional and then asking for feedback when they finally found a fix to make it sound like they listened to it.

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If Asmond wasn’t so up his butt he could actually do a poll on this and ask folks who REALLY matter not the 3 horde that cry about Rend buffs.

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  1. That is how burden of proof works. If you bring something up as evidence you must show the evidence.
  2. You said

Ion never commented about these classic changes.
You have to prove otherwise. I can’t prove he didn’t say something as the proof is there is no proof.

I guess I can post a blank text pad.

LOL posts like this, and the fact that it has 6 likes or whatever, are exact proof of why NO CHANGES MUST REMAIN THE STANDARD FOR ERA.

ERA IS ERA. IT ISN’T MEANT TO BE A REVISION OF THE CLASSIC EXPERIENCE, IT IS THE CLASSIC EXPERIENCE. If you want changes, go elsewhere. The problem with any changes is the second you start making them you invariably open up a slippery slope in which people like you beg for all kinds of retail-esque changes without realizing that they are not ‘minor’ changes, but rather, very significant ones which lead to more and more.
Transmog is not at all in the spirit of vanilla nor is it a ‘mild’ change–it absolutely does impact gameplay. A huge part of the experience of vanilla is the progression curve and the status which comes with it. If you see a player with certain pieces of gear, you can instantly visually identify a ton about that player, including their actual strength in PvP (in terms of gear, not necessarily skill). Transmog conceals this dynamic entirely.