Classic Era Patch Updates

Those dead servers are revived for at least a month at a time, you’re right! Thank god for that!


LOL People unsubbed their cappers. Not their main accounts in masses.
Can’t wait to spend another $15 a month to cap myself. I love this game. I know people who cap 3-4 accounts that are just so happy this change is back. /s

BS, there was a huge wave of unsub and that was admitted by the team. it was “overwhelming feedback” that made Ion change his stance on no flight. We had forum polls, petitions, people unsubbing. I was there, clearly you were not. It was a different time then compared to your new age gaming. People didn’t have 5 or 6 “capper” accounts. It was rare for people outside multiboxing to have more than one.


Wants a Thunderfury btw

Or you can go play SoD and enjoy LOTS of changes…


Stormrend and 1 min CDs on drops were great changes! Bring these back please! Can’t expect classic era to be vanilla wow; It already is not.


I didn’t say 5 or 6. But I personally know multiple with 3+

Well this sucks, after your last Blue Post regarding Stormrend, I assumed it was official, so I transferred my MC Cap to another realm.

I don’t know what metrics the Classic team looks at, but if you saw a notable dip in subscription numbers after the announcement, my guess is people just stopped paying for their level 20 engineers on a second account.

There have been a number of changes through the years to Classic Era, I cannot see how this change specifically is a bridge too far. Horde are just mad that they’re not getting paid every evening for Rend drops & MCs.

Bring back Stormend!


Its literally what happened.

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You know them now. Not when we had the fiasco at hand. I’ll take a humbled Ion telling us they received mass feedback in emails, petitions, and outside polls created by the community over your “I know a guy” evidence any day.

I literally only play Era, dork. Yes we’ve had a massive influx on Era… from Deviate Delight dying. jfc

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Might of Stormrend was an extremely healthy change for Era raiding (just as chronoboons once were). Please don’t let a vocal minority influence the decisions behind your change. As a long time Era raider, I fully support adding the Might of Stormrend to Classic Era.


This change is awful for the HC community and NOT what we wanted. A couple streamers cried about “the spirit of classic” when we have things like increase buff cap, chronoboons, we got ranged check taken away, new ranking system. The spirit of classic is whatever each individual thinks it is, it isn’t some collective agreement. Please put these changes back in and POLL THE PEOPLE THAT PLAY THE GAME instead of listening to streamers whine about what they think classic should be.


Ion didn’t say any of this.

Deviate delight has doubled in population over the last 3 weeks… not sure what you’re talking about.

You honestly sounds like so many others on Whitemane that are pissed off because so many have left whitemane for a more FRESH like experience on Deviate Delight. Our guild is literally filled with ex-whitemane players.

The only people who didn’t want Alliance Rend was era Horde players.

Some vocal minority cried and cried.


The three angry horde on this post confirm this. I imagine the other post is just a couple angry Horde shaking their fist at the sky over a change that only effected Rend sellers.


Just chiming in to say these were all good changes that should be left in. I think a good indicator for determining whether a change should be made is: “Are players inconveniencing themselves and making the game less fun to get around some limitation?” And “Would making this change be contrary to the spirit of classic wow?” Obviously there’s debate to be had, and there will always be a contingent of people that are opposed to all changes on ideological grounds (forgetting that classic era is absolutely not the same game released in 2004). People who are opposed to all changes fail to realize that keeping the game static when the player base has drastically evolved over 20 years is - for all practical purposes - changing the game. Remember when people wouldn’t play their characters for several days at a time because they were saving world buffs? That was a bad situation, and Blizzard was right to fix it with Chronoboons. Alliance Rend is the same thing. Not having to roll horde priest alts, or pay for MC caps is a good thing. Please bring it back.


Can we please get a Classic Era community manager that actually plays Classic Era.


Just hire one of the p server admins they put out of a job