Classic Era Patch Updates

Yes, I’m here speaking up? Cause Stormrend was great lol. Literally here because people doing the same thing I’m doing now… Providing feedback because its not what they wanted.

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Me: Provide feedback to positive changes so they don’t get reverted.

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Are we having 2 different conversations?

I think we are cause everything you’ve replied to me has made no got dang sense to what I have said.

Were you not here last week when the forums blew up with many players posting about how negative the change was and others advocating for change encouraging people to unsub if they were unhappy with it? With a 1,442 post count you should have been. People wanted change, to what degree you’ll never know because you sat in your bubble and didn’t voice your opinion.


He probably only see the streamer which doesn’t really know the game. Stormrend is the only change I would give Blizzard a “like” but sadly someone removed


The only feedback that was listened to is the influencers crying in the Dev’s DMS…Or the weaponized communities that were sent to do the same thing (complain for their streamers)


(unrelated) Duckling you’re in my ret reck pvp vid :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did post. I said I liked the changes. Forums will always show majority negative in any subject to ever exist. People post when they are unhappy. People play when they are happy.

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HAHA tell me how to find it, I remember a few times you almost 1 shot me and a couple times you did

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Alright, well I am here doing the exact same thing others did… Which was complain to get stormrend removed because they did not agree with it. So now I have to come here to provide my feedback on the topic; because I loved it. I would argue that there is a vast majority of players who loved the changes, but do not get on forums to post about it. I understand people need to voice these opinions. This is what I and other guild members are doing.

Stormrend and undispellable buffs were the only reason I came back, was happy to get back to playing alliance. Now I am questioning letting my sub lapse again. Using forum complaints is a terrible form of judging feedback, as we all know people who are are happy dont post nearly as much as those who are unhappy. Please change this back.


Yeah the so called streamers won’t be asking us common folks about our opinions because their self-righteous heads are stuck up their own behinds.


Well said.


I wish the Devs would just stop trying to make SoD and Classic+ identical base experiences. Classic+ is not the place to make these changes but the people in SoD do enjoy it.
Why combine server architecture if it leads to the inability to make specific change?


Hate to break it to you, but you are playing a heavily changed version of the game. Sorry!


And to what further degree did they go to for it? Look at the “Bring back mah clone” movement. Over 1k posts of negativity. Where are your clones? Do you remember in WoD when the players blew up in outrage over being told flight wouldn’t return? Blizzard yielded to feedback beyond just the forums, people unsubbed in mass, they put up an online petition for it and got flight. You have no idea what they did to get this reverted, and unless you’re willing to put in the same effort, aren’t going to get it revoked.


It is called: WoW Classic PvP - Xfour Ret Reck Burst & Flag Games
on youtube.

My fav clip of you is at: 5:45 though I think there are a few. The ankh is great hahaha

Hey, those streamers bring a lot of community to the servers they play on for one month!


People were flooding into Era on both Deviate Delight and Whitemane… it was not even close to dying.

Thanks for replying on your Level 80 toon. Maybe you should actually play Era, where you’d see how false your comment is… before commenting.