Classic Era Patch Updates

Might of Stormwind was literally the best decision Blizzard has made in a long time. Huge quality of life improvement. It was something everyone already used it just saved us a bit of wasted time, just like boons.

Everyone who actually plays this game and raids, especially HC, was happy with these changes.

Blizzard finally listening to a vocal minority is a huge L. “No changes” crowd can go kick rocks, go play on private severs. You’re in the minority.

Please bring MoS back! You already got everyone used to it then took it away!!! Worst thing you could have done!!

Changes the game in no way other than quality of life. Bring it back now!


Doesn’t matter how much you advocate for that; people will not change. This is pretty true in all forms of life. My job randomly gave us a raise on top of our normal raise, I never called and told them that was nice. But if they cut my pay; I guarantee you I would have called. Let alone over a video game… Thats also what we are doing now… but basically complaining again to get it reverted because we LOVED the change.


People do post positive things on these forums all the time.

Including appreciation for specific things done by the devs.


having the default expectation that everything should NOT be dogwater terrible shouldn’t have to be communicated lmao.

If devs cared they could log into the game and spend an hour in any city

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You go play pservers if you want changes, era should remain as untouched as possible. Play sod if you want changes!


Et tu, brute.

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Stormrend literally doesn’t affect you at all.


Our very species thrives on our ability to adapt. if you want positive results and you see that sitting on your duff because you can’t make a 40 second phone call, fill out a 2 minute survey, or make a minute post on the forums so you’re heard and receiving the change you desire, then heaven help our survival. It’s in our nature, your “sit on my duff and do nothing” has proven to be a failure. Adapt, change, overcome.


I can’t feel too empathetic for someone refusing to provide feedback getting mad at those providing feedback. I get its not how ‘‘most people’’ work, our brains are wired to remember negative experiences, but if you’re going to argue you’re not changing how you approach things after experience loss of enjoyment. Oops, cope.

Or you can go to a private server rocking WoW from 2004.

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Most of these people crying are averaging blue parses. MOS will do nothing but help :slight_smile:


In a stroke of classic Blizzard they managed to literally piss off everyone at once.

At least grow a spine and stick with the side you pick.


Please revert logout skips!!


Mhmm. Yes. That’s not what I was arguing though. I’m talking about Era.

And while I would agree that Era should remain as pure vanilla as physically possible, having boons for this long and then deciding to remove them would seem like an odd choice. It would definitely upset the majority of Classic Era players. I personally would be fine with it, but just look at all the people furious about having their Stormwind world buff that they had for a week revoked. I just don’t think it’s reasonable to remove boons at this point.

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Just not the way people are wired. But I’m here doing the same thing others have done to ruin a good change. Complaining.

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Many of us believe the issue was it bled through to Era because of the shared client with SoD. Blizzard didn’t know how to fix it, and tried to bill it to us as an intended fix when in reality, they had no clue what was wrong. They received negative feedback while they researched it, found the solution to the problem, and is now telling us we were heard and they saved the day.

It is more a case of lack of being genuine. Had we said nothing “Hooray!” no fix. Had they found the problem “Hooray!” we’re heard and they fixed it.


Blizzard did you solicit feedback on these changes from the whole population? It makes no sense you said you “listened” when those of us who loved the change were never asked to provide direct feedback. Just log into the game and read the LFG chat to see that virtually everyone on alliance loved this change.


I’m here and have provided feedback because I’m salty. Same reason others provided feedback to get the changes removed. ??? Please make this make sense.

That’s subjective. You find it good, clearly others do not. You might find a Big Mac at McDonald’s “Good” while I find it rather lacking, while I might enjoy nuggets you find them to be bottom tier. You don’t get to speak for the community as a whole. if it’s good, speak up. If it’s bad, speak up.

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Every single person from my guild found it good.
The guild tab was contested but every single person liked might of stormwind.