Classic Era Patch Updates

The alliance that have been playing for 5 years are going to quit because the wbuff they had for 1 week is gone? Ok lol.


its just sad to see a good change go wether the change was intentional or not, it made playing the game alot more relaxing for me and the guilds that i run with, sad to see it go


That is the forums in a nut shell, unfortunately. The people who liked Stormrend
 just kept playing. The angry ones come on to the forums and now we get this.


Idk if you know what alienated means, but it’s not that.


You NEED to provide feedback in life. If you aren’t providing feedback for good/positive things, what you enjoy will change over time based on negative feedback. Please learn this lesson from a video game cause it applies to real life too.


i havent had to give feedback for good changes before to keep them


Yes, but most people just don’t go on to the forums to say “good job.” It’s just a fact. Positive change is shown in player count.


I get that you’re simply the messenger, Kaivax, and what a lot of us have to say is born out of frustration. I apologize if you feel unjustly attacked because that is not my intention.

But if the section of your announcement I quoted was a reflection of the true feeling of the team and Blizzard it wouldn’t keep happening. Maybe you haven’t read the comments from die-hard fans talking about the erosion of what Era was promised to be (a faithful rendition of that moment in time before expacs were a thing) and the disheartening feeling of suffering the death by a thousand cuts.

I am sorry but it’s exhausting to have to fight the team every time to just stop tinkering with Era. Seasonal, in my opinion, has been a great playground for pulling levers and making changes. But not for Era. This revert is too little too late for me. Best wishes to all.


Then make more posts complaining about it? Obviously worked here
 Probably is not talked about as much as you think.

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I sort of feel sorry for things you engage with if that is the case. Not being told you’re doing something right, especially if its a person/personal business, can really wear things down. Especially if the thing you enjoy is receiving negative feedback (and thus likely to get changed).

yeah fr bring back the logout skips

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I also submitted a “Ticket” using the “Suggestion” category. Not that it will help but it should let them know that people are pissed.

 people usually only provide feedback when they don’t like something. People will not go out of their way to get on a forum to say “Good JOB BLIZZ!”. I never saw one person in game on alliance complain about this change.


They also weren’t stealth dropped and thus susceptible to all feedback hitting at once. Its been on-going for a while.

There is still a random drinking bug that prevents the drinking of water/juice etc. by warlocks/mages etc. that is popping up. It lets you sit and get the first tick of the drink and then stands you up. Once it happens in an area you need to leave it or the zone before it clears, or disarm yourself before doing so.

Please remove ALL changes made since 2019.


And that is why I’m advocating for people to give positive feedback? So you don’t lose things you like?

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Did we really need to remove Alliance rend from Hardcore realms as well?
We celebrated you confirming that these would be permanent additions.
I don’t enjoy standing in the xroads waiting to cap myself or a friend on a 2nd account.
Blizzard probably noticed people unsubbing their capper accounts and made this choice. I doubt it had anything to do with keeping classic era ‘pure’ or w/e.

I liked the change, I’m part of the community.
Put up an in game poll if you really want to ask the people who play your game what they want.
How are you even determining what the majority wants anyway?


Not true at all, also obviously not my main, just like youre not on yours, gj searching my logs tho