Classic Era Patch Updates

you’re saying just cause you had rend you shaved off 1.5 hours of your clear time in Naxx?

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I mean, doesn’t it bother you that a fairly casual GDKP almost has same clear time because of how juiced everyone got with rend…

Our melee often get rend (at least top pumpers) but adding rend to all healers and casters also makes a big diff with the bit of extra HP, it just makes it way less likely they die of saph or something.

I like that vanilla rewarded people for setting up logical things and putting in work - getting rend as alliance.

Giving it to everyone, reduces the gaps between try-hards and casuals and just makes all the content easier.

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Pure classic is pure classic. Any argument otherwise is dumb.


It’s a different subject but I never understood why people needed to log off AN ENTIRE WEEK to keep their world buffs. Never struggled to get buffs 1-2 days before raid personally, and when chrono was implemented I just saw those same people logged off after our wbuff train. Chrono solves 0 issues aside from PvP dodging in my opinion.

Removing Chrono also gives more value to Alts, which is huge for player retention as well.



But it is just a guess, I can’t say anything forsure since it didn’t happen.

My guess is that specific group would have wiped and added 1 to 1.5 hours to the run if they didn’t all have rend.

Might of Stormwind and non dispellable buffs was the BEST thing to happen to classic era WoW. The only people that did not enjoy these changes are salty horde griefers (the minority of the player base). No one enjoys waiting in the barrens for hours for a potential rend drop… Give us back stormrend and just give the same quest to horde… hell put it on a once/month questline per account for both factions. Classic era is nothing like vanilla… it has morphed into a min/max culture with world buffs. Give us the quality of life changes for this culture that we deserve back!!! IF this minority truly cared about this being classic… then get RID of Chronoboons and make the honor system DECAY again! Shut off the cluster that allows people to be both alliance and horde. None of that is classic wow. IF I have to sit in the barrens for another hour for a rend buff just to potentially be griefed by a horde player… I’m probably just unsubbing. Please Bring back these changes, The majority of players loved it, there was nothing to complain about, so they did not.


Your melee already get rend but casters getting it reduced your clear time in half. The buff that adds no extra damage for casters only buffs health by less then 5% when you are buffed lol.
Sure sure


No it doesn’t bother me that your raid performed better with a buff that you don’t normally get, I’m glad yall had a good time and got to taste what its like to have a raid fully buffed, its super fun and its why i go out of my way to make sure I get that buff every week


It is not wiping that saved clear time and that group usually wipes because of caster issues.

sounds great! this game is dying fast. anything to get more people playing is good. this will lose players


The first 4 are Alliance. There are only 3 Horde in the top 15.

What are you trying to say exactly?

Alliance are better in both damage and speed.

300 health does not save a wipe…

It saves 1 random death here and there.

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So, the casters played better and MoS was not the reason why? lmao brother cooking himself

Annual scourge invasion does not fall into the change/no-change categories since Naxx was only out for a few months in original Vanilla, nowhere near a year. As far as we know, if Vanilla had continued there would be another Scourge Invasion in September 2007, 2008, etc…

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“But ally rend made us not wipe” is a very interesting argument for removing it lmfao.

Other arguments FOR KEEPING is that it made raiding a lot more accessible to lower skill cap guilds, pumpers who didnt have the time/money to make a 2nd account and spend all day at Xroads hoping for a buff.

Most of the attitudes around Stormrend was met with open arms, only a VERY VOCAL minority in game were legitimately losing it in trade over #nochanges.


The idea that you’ve got some gotchya by saying remove chrono and revert honour system is funny since, if you’ve spent any time on the forums, people have been asking for that non-stop.

The real kicker with Stormrend is and always will be the fact it was a SoD design that they let through and didn’t discuss with the community. If there was any discussion, you probably could have swayed half the people upset by the change quite easily.


The only people who come on these forums are people who want to complain. Then normal players that never come here have to defend themselves against a tiny vocal group that just wants to grief. Truly half the players on here defending this revert are just happy they can see someone upset.


Yea lets alienate our core audience for the mythical audience looking to play an MMO in 2024.

If y’all can’t see the difference between tanks + a few pumpers having rend and 30 extra people having it. I am not sure what to tell you.

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They alienated about 500 ally today. Era gonna look a lil different here