Classic Era Patch Updates

If the argument is that rend makes alliance raiding too easy, can we take poison cleansing totem? Seems unfair horde get an insta drop totem where as alliance’s best method to combating that mechanic is spending hours in LBRS and managing sacs.


If anyone involved with Era’s development or rather its maintenance cares about Era it’s definitely not the shareholders.


Back to cope hill.
Stormrend was the best thing that blizzard has ever done and you guys reversed the decision because of some boomers that don’t even play the game anymore, or people who didnt even know rend was a thing.

This is nothing but discouraging.

  • love, a Naxx Raid lead, Mankrik Cluster

In original Classic and in Era the first page of dps is dominated by Alliance warriors, but I’m sure it’s just player skill when you have all that utility on Horde like… grounding totem…

every Alliance player that was serious about competing was getting rend anyway, so “imbalance” is a moot point

The quest line for Alliance is the Ony quest line which is equivalently involved but doesn’t reward us with a buff.

again alliance is still getting rend buff so easy access or no “:imbalance” doesnt make a great argument here

and i wouldnt mind an extra quest line to get a rend buff for ally, thats a great idea but I would be shocked if they ever implemented that


More importantly to me than everything else. Thanks for listening and responding. Regardless of the final decision. That lack of a voice is the most frustrating thing, this goes a long way to show its not fallen on deaf ears.


Yes. It is. And that’s how we know Alliance gets the better deal when it comes to raiding. Check the logs. They don’t lie.


Why don’t you complain about the honor system? IT should still decay no? How about chronoboons? Get rid of them… no?


Remove Chrono revert to old honor system remove layering


Except it’s not. Everyone knows the Horde quest line takes longer.

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thank you.


The only people who didn’t like StormRend for Alliance were the players exploiting it for gold. It was a good QoL change even on era, having to pay gold for summons and to get MCed by the opposite faction just encourages gold buying and botting. Also, working with the opposite faction to get buffs is one of the least “Vanilla” experiences out there. And how are you going to remove StormRend and leave the scuffed guild tab where you can’t even copy/paste from the MotD or Info to join things like discords easily, it’s actually worse than the old system.


It isn’t about balance horde v alliance.

Horde raiding is a diff subject, it just makes alliance raiding way too easy.

Did you do naxx last week with the alliance-rend? I did… We had a fairly weak group for the GDKP and pumped it out in 1.5 hours. Without rend I bet we had a wipe and maybe 2+ hour run maybe even 2.5-3 depending how things go.

It made naxx much easier, sure if that’s what you want keep asking for it back. But I kinda like that there is a tiny bit of risk in naxx and that one actually has to work if they want faster times. With the buff it was basically given for free.

My entire guild gets rend for every naxx so I guess this doesnt apply to me. All this change did was make me waste more time on rend hill.


Bring back alliance rend you morons.


yeah i did we had a 1:24 clear time it was great it was normal becuase we all always get rend anyway we just didnt spend an hour to get it.

also that was a response to a previous post


Please remember that rend was also part of the onyxia attunement for horde. By alliance creating alts to get rend buffs, it allowed us to actually participate in the raid and not wait on schedules. You can not do Onyxia if you have to wait a week to drop your buff or have the alliance guilds call you a griefer and try to get you blacklisted from groups they run.

They also fail to see the impact is has on community. We already have a tryhard community that segregates everyone else because of “Mah parses” and yet another tool to give them a reason to further alienate the population with Era’s numbers being what they are isn’t exactly a good idea as is.


The logs show 3 of the top 12 dps as horde. Ally uses paladins for trash skips. It is not a debate. Windfury = more damage than paladins.

I think that’s trying to close pandora’s box at this point. Being able to actually play your world buffed characters is quite nice.