Classic Era Patch Updates

individual dps, sure. but that’s not a good metric

It’s how a company functions on feedback. If all they get is awful feedback then they make changes on it because they’re actually receiving it. It’s how all businesses function. You need to learn to use your opportunity to speak up, good or bad when it’s presented to you and not bury your head in the sand and then get upset when people who do use their voice is heard.


In the top 15 dps for boss damage on Era, 3/15 are Horde.

For people that know you only go Horde because WCB is convenient, windfury, and PvP queue times. SW rend takes one of those away and all you have left is Windfury when the PvP rank is like 5000 hks. It’s a death by many cuts for Horde and there’s no new influx of players that aren’t familiar with the faction design by this point.

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It impacted every alliance player because raids were even easier than intended.

They are already so insanely easy for alliance, adding rend was basically removing any chance of failure in raids.

There are tons of other wow versions that cater to the ‘give me everything’ playstyle.


wait but Horde are legit stronger in pve and pvp. They have better pvp racials and windfury

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This practice of making changes and waiting for the fallout is so unnecessary.

Any and all changes moving forward should be made after a poll is given to read the temperature of the player base to avoid the absolute chaos these forums are turning into.

We should poll for the Stormrend buff and move on from there. This practice literally only turns the community against itself and creates the toxic environment it seeks to move away from.

Because there is no polling it becomes a battle of who can make the most noise to get what they want. Its ineffective and not a way the community should be interacting with one another. Especially with impacting changes to the game at stake.

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Brother, people had rend regardless, this just made it easier.


NO! Absolutely no. Transmogs are absolutely not welcome in classic.


Horde is also half the population, and even that might be generous. So it makes sense it’s mostly alliance for boss DPS. Horde definitely has the potential to do more damage than Ally.

this is incredibly stupid change I think

for those who don’t wish for it, they can simply click it off and get rend the old way.

I think the majority of raider whom normally get this buff as part of their buff rotation this is something neutral or very welcomed, the most people who are complaining I see are people who do not normally get it or are buff sellers on the horde side.

please revert this decision for Stormrend, it was a very good change much like the boons we have.


we all were getting horde rend anyways. the only difference is that we have to waste an hour doing it now


yeah that’s a good point

Pumpers had rend in naxx. The rest ignored it.

With the new buff everyone had rend all the time, and every warrior now has it in naxx.

If you want the raids easier just ask for a 10-20% nerf, no need to have people deal with an extra buff.

The buff was a nerf to raids, but didn’t seem like so to players that don’t really wanna think about it, so they thought they magically became better overnight and now miss their new powers. But it was just a nerf to content - they were just doing EASIER content for the last week.


Every Alliance player, perhaps. For Horde it’s seen as imbalanced because it quite literally is/was.

If they are going to add that to Alliance they need to at least make the quest line equivalent. Horde can’t just pick up a quest conveniently in Orgrimmar and go kill Rend for a head. They first have to go to Kargath, then do an LBRS run, then head to Orgrimmar to finally get the quest to kill Rend.

On top of that, Horde still get the short end of the stick when it comes to raiding. Paladins are just overall better for raids than shamans. Easier access to the rend buff at least somewhat offsets that imbalance.

In summary they shouldn’t have ever added this to the game and it they insist on doing so it should at least be a two part quest chain requiring an LBRS run before killing rend.


BOOM! THATS A TIGHT GRIP! No, but really. Thank you for apologizing for your lack of communication with the community, and acknowledging the “perfect, imperfections” of WoW classic! Feels nice being acknowledged, thanks Blizzard!


Tempo!? As in Cadan and Apple Tempo?

wait so the buff we could already go and get was ruining horde?

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I used to know Tempo.

this game is solved, bud. it is much better to have windfury for dps than bops and blessings. just stop being bad at threat