Classic Era Patch Updates

At this point, the Devs need to hold out for bigger bribes.

You know there is a whale out their, desperate to parse 99.

Maybe hold out for a luxury vehicle.

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This is an excellent list of #changes. Well done

Yep. Remove all of them instead of stormrend. All of them even chronoboon


Don’t forget they changed /spit lol

“Go outside” You have 5K posts on these forums :laughing:

5k posts over the course of 5 years is like 4 posts a day. Thats like, 22 seconds a day. Nice try. You aren’t getting cringerend back

You gotta admit it’s pretty funny though. You’re never outside either.

It is funny. I have to be outside.

Like these allies have never played shaman, we gotta be outdoors to use ghost wolf.

It’s interesting seeing so many of the complainers who don’t actually play the game at a high level. So Might of Stormwind really had zero affect on their gameplay. If it weren’t on the forums they wouldn’t even know about it.

This is all you do, try to other and dismiss opposing viewpoints, but my main is an alliance raider on your realm that clears all raids weekly, and yeah my raiders are getting rend, and I help cap them regularly too.

Sometimes people just don’t agree with you, get over it.


What is “at a high level” to you?

It took most era guilds years to even beat logs from 2020. What about pvp players?

MOS would have tremendous effects not only on era itself for faction populations, but also any further fresh projects that come along sharing the same client.

Post on your main then. No need to be afraid. You can think how you want (I never said you couldn’t), but you are putting yourself forward as a horde shaman who doesn’t raid at all.

How exactly?

Because I like the name. But also, Nara has posted here and I’m damn well sure you know him from our realm.

The same reason SOM leaned towards alliance heavily. And I mean drastically

SOM was a pve focused fresh seasonal where everyone already knew alliance was the better pve faction. I don’t think you and I need to dive into specifics on why alliance is the more popular faction in general for these reasons

Guess what? You may have forgotten, but MOS was in hardcore too. If MOS was still in, why on earth would anyone roll horde?

On SOD horde is essentially the better pve faction, due to a myriad of changes. The bloodthirsty rage from alliance players were about as embarrassing as MOS copers

MOS was put in to even that out

I’m not following that logic. SOM had no world buffs in it so you’re contradicting yourself. According to you, people prefer alliance on servers with rend available and on servers without rend. So what difference does it make? There are dozens of other reasons that people tend to prefer alliance, and they have nothing to do with Might of Stormwind.

Do you know anyone who faction-changed when Might of Stormwind came out?

World buffs have nothing to do with alliance superiority in pve (from a stock standpoint) You have created a straw man argument. With no world buffs alliance is superior . WITH world buffs alliance is still superior. The only niche outliers are orc warriors and they have to be gamers

Som raids were tuned to be much more difficult. So anyone who takes pve logs seriously went alliance. Why did Polars gm say he would never roll horde again after experiencing alliance for the first time?

This is a straw man argument #2.

I never made this claim, you did.

Fix your arguments if you are going to engage with me.

You are purposely ignoring my point but it doesn’t matter. You aren’t getting MOS back

You lose. It’s over. Your second attempt at a petition has abysmal signatures. The majority has spoken. Get over it.

There are no faction changes. MOS was in for like less the. 24 hours. Your foundations for your arguments are paper thin

The fact that your circle started off on the forums belittling anyone who stood against MOS by saying things like “these people don’t play at a high level” etc, and then flip flopping to the “nice guys” by mailing blizzard a cake speaks astronomical volumes of embarrassing desperation.

“Highest level players” taking legit YEARS to beat 4 year old logs lol. I’m going to have a hay day when novus noctis or w/e DD guild is comes in and cleans house with all the old era hags who think they’re amazing at the game

No no no… this was YOUR argument not mine. Then you backed it up by saying people just prefer alliance lol. I was trying to help you flesh out your argument, but you are just running in circles. Good luck!

I also said alliance is superior with and without world buffs both but you completely left that out of the quote because it does not fit your narrative. The readers can clearly see you ignoring basically the entire post while you cherry pick any specs you can (and it still didnt work!)

Typical behavior of someone who can’t form a foundation for your argument . Bow out make an excuse and exit stage left

Not that it matters, I won because MOS isn’t in. I don’t need luck. But your guild will when NN creeps up!

You lose. Maybe next time you guys should send over a golden idol to blizzard maybe that’ll get through to them