Classic Era Patch Updates

No 10 char

another day and weā€™re still robbed of TARREN MILL FORGE, truly i can empathise with the hurdles alliance go through for rend when I canā€™t even use a forge in tarren mill - something that was INTENDED BY THE ORIGINAL DEVS OF THE GAME.

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Bring back MoS to all ERA REALMS TODAY!

Please bring back MoS

Farts on Alizarā€™s face

bring back stormrend!

like how they intended for dwarf mages (even in beta) but they were removed to keep the faction balanceā€¦ but other things are too much to change

Take the Cake! Return Stormrend to the people!

Cake = Stormrend confirmed

Can always count on Psychachi to spreak truth to power

Know what I mean?


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Please consider deleting gnomes and shave the beards off from all Dwarves in the next update.

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As long as Tarren Mill Forge remains removed from the game, vanilla will be a shadow of its great self. If we want to speak of fairness, perhaps we should remove the entire dwarven distract so alliance knows what it is like to lose a forge.

Also please consider burning down Teldrassil, I know this may sound like a crazy idea thatā€™ll never happen but those elves have had it too good for too long.


Check out the Stormrend cake!


Thatā€™s pretty creative.

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Please bring back Stormrend!

Donā€™t bring it back

Whoever actually spend money to have the cake made, and delivered, and STILL took the L needs to go outside

Below are changes to classic that have accumulated over the years that deviate from the original game. These are the good, bad, and ugly changes that only serve as a daily reminder that this will never be an authentic classic experience and we just have to accept them. These changes are fine but we canā€™t have Stormrend, no, no, itā€™s too good for us. If these are going to stay good or bad, we might as well get something like Stormrend too!

  1. Logout skip removed.

  2. Mob tag boosting removed.

  3. Low level/Hunter pet boosting removed.

  4. Inner Focus/Frost maul Eā€™ko interaction removed.

  5. Lost and found vendor added. (good!)

  6. PVP system revamped.

  7. Guild UI vandalized.

  8. Spell batching nerfed.

  9. Chronoboon added. (good!)

  10. Gorā€™Shak EXP Grind removed.

  11. Flawless draenethyst sphere EXP removed.

  12. Landslide Elemental Earth farm removed.

  13. Blade of eternal darkness agro pull removed.

  14. Alterac Valley Pre-made nerfed.

  15. Warsong Gluch battleground exit portal removed.

  16. Max range nameplate Macro nerfed.

  17. Soul of Iron buff added and stays on transfer to Era.

  18. Alterac Valley mark of honor value nerfed.

  19. Seal of the Righteous nerfed.

  20. Preparation phase added to BGs.

  21. Warsong Gluch terrain changes.

  22. Raid lockout warning dialogue added.

  23. Honorless targets made immune to Mind Control.

  24. GCD no longer blocks certain weapon procs. (Very good!)

  25. Default inventory size increased to 20 slots. (Nice!)

  26. Character creation limit per server increased to 50.

  27. Character selection changed to Body 1 and Body 2.

  28. Warlock infernal grief method removed.

  29. Animation/vfx updated to WOTLK versions.

  30. Dungeon instance reset nerfed.

  31. Paladin reckoning nerfed from an extra attack to swing timer reset.

  32. Enemy Water Pathing fixed.

  33. World Buffs added to the combat log. (nice For Warcraft Logs!)

  34. Black Lotus spawn cooldown halved to 30 Minutes.

  35. 30 instances per day per realm cap added.

  36. World Buffs now drop on all layers. (Very good!)

  37. Overlord Runthak, Major Mattingly, and Field Marshal Afrasiabi Sap Grief Removed.

  38. Threat added to API.

  39. Griefer Safe spots in Booty Bay Nerfed.

  40. Many buffs changed to be passive and not count against the buff cap of 32.

  41. BG out of bounds instant death added.


All the rend selling horde are hating this