Classic Era Patch Updates

“overparsing the averages”? “fake-newsing” your name? “break real statistics”?
What the bleep are you talking about? Are you making up words and concepts to sound cool?

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if they havent done anything by now i dont think they gonna doanything at this point.

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I figure give them another 2 years or so of asking like the clone mega thread. They’ll tucker out eventually.

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I have seen the error of my ways and am changing my position on this controversial topic:

Bring back cloning!

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You know exactly what i’m talking about

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Not a clue.

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No, he’s right on the money.
This shouldn’t be allowed. Which is it was reverted.

Youre just gonna have to overparse your averages thru the HIP Sync another way buddy.


Oh, look, the biggest troll on the forums back again!

Bring back MoS!

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My dearest Love,

For I am now upon the 34th day without the essential provisions that sustain body and soul. The hours have grown long, and the days blend into one another as we continue to wait, hoping for relief that seems increasingly distant.

The nights are cold and long, and the relentless sun by day saps what little strength we have left. We speak often of the times when our buffs were full and the days were easy, but such memories only serve to deepen the ache within us.

I beseech you, if there is any possibility of sending aid, however small, please do so with all haste. Our hope lies in the belief that this letter will reach you, and that you may be in a position to offer assistance.

Until that blessed day when I can once again clasp your hand in gratitude, I remain,

Your most humble and obedient servant,

Bring back the vanilla guild pane!


Put WOTLK quality of life into ERA :crazy_face: we were young with plenty of time to drag thru levels when OG vanilla launched. Now we’re in our 30s tryna enjoy end game like a retirement home. All the bells and whistles in our sacred basic Azeroth.

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No, it’s garbage. New guild pane lets you see loot, very useful.

Outoftable = Chislev confirmed. WTF does “overparse your averages” mean?

I dunno, but I thought it was kinda funny.
Like the plight for MoS.
Are you even serious about parsing if you’re not doing it tho?


Please bring back Might of Stormwind.

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Better idea. ban GDKPS.


BRING BACK TARREN MILL FORGE its ridiculous that horde levellers have to fly back to sepulcher or UNDERCITY.

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OMG what a joke, now I know what it’s like trying to get WCB as an alliance.


Some whitemane jerks transferred over to mankrik and began infecting it with GDKPs and pushing other guilds to do them. From when I joined 2 years ago I’ve seen alot more GDKPs than usual popping up. Even my late night naxx guild began doing them after some “pugs” came in and suggested/pushed them. Now that guild does BWL GDKPs… disgusting.

Also I dont know when or why they allowed PvP players to transfer to PvE realms… Sometimes its nice but these players are just after the easy money.