Classic Era Patch Updates

remove buff/debuff limit + give druids revive thnx

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Fascinating statement. Are you telling me that people who care and people who don’t care are in opposition to each other? The realization boggles the mind. When I finally understood the true meaning behind your words my knees gave out and I had to sit down.
Please tell me but one thing, what kind of education or training does one have to go though to become a true master of the obvious like yourself?

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Bring back Might of Stormwind!


No Im saying you not caring puts you in the “why should anyone listen to you?” category with anyone who does care (which includes Blizzard) which makes your incessant whining over unnecessary QoL kind of stupid on top of everything else.

Thats when youre not contradicting yourself by saying you want vanilla gameplay even though you dont care about it and want it to go away.

But Im really not worried since no one who matters or cares is actually listening to you and you gave them no reason too.

If you had a clue about what a real education was you wouldnt need to ask.


Stormrend when?

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I am against this kind of battlefield, it has no fun anymore

bring back stormrend!

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No need for Stormrend!

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Hows that stormrend petition going? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh noes the forum troll got called out for making page long post that state the obvious and now is making personal attacks. I’m shocked! Devastated!

Just out of curiosity are you by chance on the spectrum sir? Sarcasm seems to be up there with the 747s waaaaay over your head. Being on the spectrum would explain a lot now that I think about it.

Wish you the best with your mental disability <3

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Not as good as the petition calling for you to be thrown head first into a wood chipper. Literally millions of signatures.

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We need it to parse. I need to see the numbers go BOOM and I won’t rest till I can see the numbers go BOOM.


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The retail expansion is launching.

Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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Question. Do we regularly get WB drop in era?

Bring back MoS. Hardly any ubrs alliance side.

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BRING BACK MOS :earth_africa:

Bring back MoS please

Why are you parsing on a 20 year old version thats 100% discovered. Era is also 5 years old. The only reason you want MOS is to get a chance at overparsing the averages and “fake-newsing” your name.

No you don’t get MOS to break real statistics.


Suggest Blizzard to hold a vote where the minority obeys the majority