Classic Era Patch Updates

Friendly reminder Devs to revert guild UI, but gj reverting MoS


Friendly reminder Devs to revert the MoS revert, but gj with all other changes.

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Forum troll cooking!

so you donā€™t want the guild UI reverted? Cause youā€™d be the first one Iā€™d see happy with the UI change there


bring back the storm of the rend almighty devs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Rend is still part of regular weather patterns in Crossroads and Orgrimmar :slight_smile:


I donā€™t care enough about the UI to even form an opinion. If you ask me they should update all the UI to look better.

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Ah, going to take this as a troll then. Okay have fun


Itā€™s not troll. I really donā€™t care about the UI, if they gave me vanilla gameplay with retail UI/graphics I would welcome it.
I care about having fun. Any change that makes the game less of a chore and more fun (eg MoS) I welcome. Any change that doesnā€™t affect my experience in any meaningful way (eg UI) Iā€™m indifferent about. Any change that makes the game less fun Iā€™m against (eg removing MoS or boons).
I know itā€™s hard for principled people like you and the rest of the #nochanges mindless zombies to understand. I donā€™t care about era being a museum piece, I donā€™t care about it being true to vanilla, I donā€™t care about that blizz promised or what they didnā€™t promise. None of that matters to me, I just want to have fun.

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Then you should be advocating for a place where you can get those things, like seasonal servers, and not take away from others. That is messed up and selfish.


Probably the most narrow-minded and hypocritical thing Iā€™ve heard anyone say in a long while. What you float about the rest of us? What makes your opinion and wishes more important than mine? I pay my subscription just like the rest of us. I think Iā€™m entitled to an opinion as much as you are.
The only messed up thing here is you thinking you matter more.

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Unrelated question, how many times in your life has your ability to empathise with others been talked about?

Changing the subject and making a sarcastic ad hominem attack is a common response from someone thatā€™s been clearly beaten in an argument. Nothing else to talk about.

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go ahead and have your last word

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I knew youā€™d be a ā€˜ā€˜midiotā€™ā€™ that only partly understands fallacies and how to approach them lol. If you canā€™t understand the difference between taking something from someone vs making something for yourself, you have a defined lack of empathy.


yeah the wording is quite clear. they arenā€™t going to do that.

And like clockwork the personal attacks continue as if to prove me right.
Iā€™m not taking anything away from anyone. As a paying customer Iā€™m entitled to have an opinion on the service for which I pay. Era is not vanilla, never was and never will be. Era runs on modern hardware and on Legion APIs. Itā€™s at best a rough imitation of vanilla. Era is a solved game, there is little to be discovered and little to be learned. That original vanilla experience is gone forever and never coming back.
All you have left is personal attacks because there are no arguments to be made.


Might of Stormwind, when?

We know you donā€™t care, thats why people who care are in opposition to you.


BBBBBBBBBBBBBBring back Might of Stormwind!

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