Classic Era Patch Updates

Shaman totems benefit everyone.

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You gained another 2 subs back with this. Thanks for this. As far as guild UI, if you guys could add in a toggle maybe for new vs old that would fix everything imo. then players could choose. I am no programmer or dev though so for all I know it could be impossible


Thank you, but this doesnā€™t go far enough. Please undo ALL changes that were made. Iā€™d even like to see Chrono removed. No changes means no changes. People who want them should go play SoD.


Gimme stormrend back please the vocal minority whined until they got what they wanted now its my turn to whine


alodar chill bro

NOā€¦ EVERYONE was not happy about it.

Horde was already the weaker faction for PVEā€¦ very quickly people would have just swapped to alliance and left Horde being a ghost town. Imagine how that would have effected the gameā€¦ not only for PVEā€¦ but PVP as well as BGs etc would not pop.

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BOO KAIVAX. Terrible to give in to a few whiners.



This is a ridiculous argument. Alliance could ALREADY GET REND. How does MOS change anything?

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Getting rid of the might of storm wind buff over some salty old players that barely play, nevermind raid is ridiculous. There was plenty of people who enjoyed it and if they didnā€™t like it, they didnā€™t have to get it. ā€œGet rid of boonsā€ like if you donā€™t want to boon your buffs then hereā€™s a crazy thoughtā€¦ donā€™t? Like grow upāœØ


I find it so funny that this guyā€™s posting on his resubbed WCB capper LMAO


Is getting rid of stormrend a money grab so as to regain lost WCB capper subs??? you decideā€¦ (sounds plausible)


Please give back MoS <3


And thatā€™s the thing, no one is out here playing horde because itā€™s easier to get rend. That has never been a thought from anyone when they chose to play Horde. People have almost always gravitated to horde for the 2 reasons I provided. MoS might entice people to play alliance, but no one is going to abandon their horde toon that they have invested in. This was not a game breaking change for either faction, all ally want is to have an extra hour in their weeks not dedicated to getting a horde buff.


Yeah, probably because he knows how annoying it is to cap and how bad of a mechanic it is. That Stormrend fixed.

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it was easier instead of having to take 30 mins to go maybe get it because the MC had a good chance of failing.

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no its not he doesnt work for the company anymore.

ā€œPeople wouldnā€™t play Horde without rend!!ā€

  • Can still get rend as alliance just more time consuming
  • People like Horde Asthetic, Windfury is still unique to horde, as well as shaman.

donā€™t get that argument at all.


You reverted a change that was purely QoL and effected ZERO people negatively. A lot of us get home at 5pm and dont have the capability to get over and grab the one (maybe) rend buff thats drops on schedule. This revert did nothing but appease people who donā€™t play this version of the game, and add hours to our lives so you Blizz can say they have more player time logged. This company is a joke. You guys canā€™t even coordinate your PR releases with your updates. What company has these issues now a days? Fire the team and hire a p server admin to do this job 5x better.


Horde is literally higher dps than Ally wtf are people smoking

Idk guys it sure is looking like the Silent Majority is speaking up. This threads posts are filling up pretty quickly.

There was no reason to say anything before. Just simply silent appreciation.

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