Classic Era Patch Updates

bring back stormrend

stop being greedy and expecting people to pay for a second account


MoS is now being overshadowed since it was discovered that the TM Forge has vanished…

Bring back TM Forge!


#MTBBTMF Mums to Bring Back Tarren Mill Forge! Join the movement!


i can guarantee you from the wording they put out. the answer is…they’re not going to remove it since i can almost certainly bet this is just laying the groundwork…for something. now that i think about it…wonder if this is the groundwork for classic + to replace classic. would make sense if seasons of discovery has been sharing classic server framework. this was probably their end goal all along. guys better savor the moments you have left. clock is ticking now.


In the immortal words of Tynnyfer from Parks and Rec season 6 episode 4: “MIGHT OF STORMWIND IS A MUST MUST MUST!”


Stop Crying about a Buff that is not part of the original game! Instead ask for TBC Classic


bring back stormrend


Id settle for a compromise wherein they leave the current one but also make the original guild pane available. There’s a mod that can do it or you can macro /guildroster (although you have to spam it to get it to work) so it shouldnt prove to be some monumental task.

Replace? I highly doubt that. I dont deny a classic + or even more seasons but I dont think Era is going anywhere anytime soon.

Im not worried. Im fine with Era as it is and if it changes or disappears Im good with that too.

trust me on this. blizzard doesnt compromise.

They just did with the reverting of the last round of changes.

im not so sure…they didnt remove the guild interface and from what they wrote they arent going to. now think. there’s this talk a classic plus survey. why else would they force a new ui update into classic if they arent planning to change it? the way the shareholders see it they’re not getting their return unless they can further monetize it and how better to do so than implementing classic + over classic and being able to use that to introduce the token where it never was? I mean its the last place it isnt. and it was introduced in wrath classic despite the protests of players and the fact it was never in wrath in the first place.

now this might SEEM tinfoil hat. but if you think about it, it makes logical sense.blizzard wants more than a simple sub. they want all the money.

Wait, what? After all the troll posting you’ve made? Now all of the sudden you’re ok with changes or if era just disappears? Clearly you don’t play right?

Who knew we’d have this guy on the side of bringing MOS back… The world is full of surprises :relieved:

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I do play. That doesn’t mean Im married to this franchise. That ship sailed a long time ago. I do confess to falling prey to the sunken cost fallacy a little bit but I do have limits that can’t be crossed if Im to stay subbed. Which should be okay with everyone instead of a point of contention as you assert.

Also, Im on the record as saying the same thing in the past on multiple occasions, so its not like I just trotted that out. If Blizz announced the servers were closing next week I wouldn’t bat an eye. If the game changes beyond a certain point, I have no problem moving on. Said it years ago.

Because its all the same client and Blizz has taken additional steps to make life easier for them in that regard and its not without consequeces. They’ve said as much.

I dont think Blizz looks at Era only players in terms of income as they do the other WoW versions available or there other franchises. Its not exactly a secret they had to do something with the IP before it went the way of Defense of the Ancients.

I have very little doubt there will be a Classic + someday and it will have a retail like cash shop to go with it but Im hesitant to say that will also be the end of Classic Era. I suppose its possible but these servers are supposed to be permanent.

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Im couldn’t care less whether you’re invested or not, but if your position is that you don’t care if the servers shut off today, maybe let those of us who DO care push for QoL changes we think will keep our game healthy for years to come.

Just step aside, move along, that’s all I’m asking.

I didn’t ask if you did. You quoted me, I wasn’t talking to you. Still, if you want to keep hurling the accusation that I don’t play Era and subsequently act in stunned troll disbelief that I can play the game and have no permanent attachment to it then I can defend myself, no?

Spare me the BS. You don’t care about Era, you care about spreadsheets and a more convenient path to validate your place among the conformodoxy. Anyone who truly cared about Era wouldn’t be promoting ezmode QoL let alone touting it as healthy for the long term. Anyone doing that is open to extreme skepticism about where their interests really are.

Nah, dont think I will. That would be like me asking you to go to retail or SoD, yknow, those versions of the game that have the QoL you want. I would never do such a thing. Im cool with you still playing even though you’ll never see MoS again.

I can understand your confusion a bit better now. I can walk away from the game if it changes in a way I dont like whereas you’ll just keep playing no matter what.


I think you’re missing my point. Since you don’t really play the game nor care whether or not you even can anymore, just leave the rest of us who do care and do play to discuss its future.

I don’t know if you actually play anything at all, just troll here for self-validation. It’s sad really, but I wish you all the best.

Insane that a month later these people are still foaming at the mouth

three people


Bring back MoS please.

That’s because you don’t have one.

You got proof? I probably play the game more than most alliance raid loggers and people who accuse me otherwise.

Its more like I care to a certain point and then beyond that there is no benefit for me to care anymore. Like if the game was cheapened with SoD QoL.

You can do that with or without me and Im not the obstacle you need to overcome anyway. You’re the one with the problem, not me.

This is the only thing you got right so far. At least until you contradict yourself and say you know I dont play Era…while Im logged into and playing Era.

Im providing feedback through responses aimed at me. SoD changes in Era are bad for Era. Thanks for the additional opportunities.

I dont believe you but thanks.