Classic Era Patch Updates

I don’t even really care honestly. I just think it’s funny to watch a couple of nerds blow a head gasket after the carrot was waived for a day and watching all the consispiracy theories spring up like “it cuts into sub profits” lmao

Why would I move on? It’s funny. Why don’t YOU move on? You know it isn’t coming back. You aren’t that stupid


Just glad I don’t have to be you :relieved::pray:


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Might of Stormwind :earth_americas:

love ya bro but that is going to be a tldr from me big dog, but MoS is dope, happy it’s coming back and I can resub on the 7th

Day number 18 of asking blizzard for might of the stormwind back

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Imagine being so chapped that you have to salve yourself by calling people that simply disagree with you forum trolls.
Get you some aloe vera instead.

Thanks again, Classic team, for reverting this particular SoD change. Hope to see some of the other behaviors that have bled through to Era are also removed. Have a great week.


That’s usually how this works. “Anyone who doesn’t agree with me is a troll.” I hear that plenty enough to “counter” anything I say they don’t agree with.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind.

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Stormrend must be returned to the heroes of the Alliance!


MoS we need it!


it back yet?

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I don’t think its all about disagreement specifically, though maybe there is some of that. There are a few people here making principled arguments against changes - that’s respectable. Then there are others, you being one of the biggest (if not THE biggest), who are just generally being douchy, antagonizing and provoking arguments, reveling in the frustration of others, and diminishing the worth of those who want MOS back. For such a seasoned forum poster like yourself, it wouldn’t kill for a girl to have a little introspection.

Get you some aloe vera, kettle.

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Day number 19 of asking blizzard for might of the stormwind back

Stings don’t it, aloe vera not gonna do nothing for what you got there. Try some Monistat instead. You can’t cure hypocrisy with mere over-the-counter products.

You need a serious dose of Copicillin.

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Laz called it. Era cloning thread has finally died down so it needed replacing. This is it.


There is something you said in here that really resonates with me. “Tackle a Classic+ that’s more like Vanilla than SoD turned out to be”

Yes, I would welcome that. That’s what I’ve wanted this whole time. SoD added a bunch of nutty nonsense, but it wasn’t really a classic+. It just felt like a weird event.

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Bring back MoS

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Bring Back Might OF Stormwind PLEASE

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