Classic Era Patch Updates

Was it Norm MacDonald who said something to the effect of -

“Ever laugh at someones misfortune so much, you just want to thank them for a good time?”

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I could care less what the majority thinks. They always have it wrong - that’s why they’re the majority. The majority is long on consensus and short on clues. The majority would have us play slave to a third party website - nothing new under the Era sun, heh. We did that already and it wasn’t anything to be bragging about - like parsing in general.

Ill type out that I think the horde and alliance faction uniqueness is more paramount to some junkies dopamine fix and in response Ill get 12 sob stories about how they can’t play a 20 year old game without every possible set of training wheels so they can play numbers simulator like that’s my business or something. Then get mad when they make it my business.

The numbers cult isn’t owed, needs or deserves or needs MoS. So, by extension, neither does Era, “consensus (doesnt look like much of one)” be damned. Makes plenty of good sense. Just do it the old fashioned way if it means that much to you. Ill look the other way as you sell open spots in your horde boost runs to make the gold to buy some horde player drops.

I quoted them directly. The blue post atop this thread is Blizz PR for “we screwed up and we’re sorry”. Im just putting my own flavoring on it.

If you think Era only subscribers have anything to say to that bottom line you are vastly overstating your position. We’re not that important - which is how and why they tried to slide those changes in to begin with - we weren’t worth the trouble of communicating and proper testing/fixes to make sure Era wasn’t affected. Turns out the opposite is true in some extremely rare case, which this very much is.

And in case you didnt notice the changes got reverted so they listened to somebody. You’re just salty it wasn’t you.

The Blue post that announced the changes got ratio’d hard and fast and had plenty of ummm “feedback”. Some people that quit havent come back. I dont care for petitions but 3500 against in a week against 500 in going on three weeks suggests you’re not seeing the bigger picture.

Again, the mere fact that they reverted those changes refutes you entirely. It’s been stated that they’re intent going forward is to stay the course aka no more needless changes aka MoS, polearms, etc. MoS is off the table according to them.

If you wanna talk changes though lets talk changes.

We couldn’t handle the vanilla pvp system responsibly. That’s why it changed. Complete hedonistic nightmare with toxic doxxing for extra drama. Drop rates and layers had to be increased because people were lopsiding servers with 10k players. Almost every change involved some kind of player mishandling or abuse of vanilla - it turns out we really didnt want vanilla. Wait a second, where have I heard that before?

We didn’t make good on the 'ol Brack incident and Nostalrius and streamer attention. All that is another memory holed dumpster fire in the legacy of failure of the consensus majority of WoW players - its embarassing really - Cata players are Classic WoW players hahaha. Its all a bad joke at this point.

Meanwhile we’re 5 years sitting at maybe 10K us players after the retail meteor strike that decimated the Era population. Wooohoo, go us. Maybe we have the potential to be the next old school runescape, we’ll see. You don’t inspire much hope though.

Chronoboon is just an embarrassment that we are now unfortunately forced to live with though in hindsight it was really a shortsighted move. There’s your big QoL change that you’ve been wanting and it turns out you already have it. Cheesewiz buffs. Enjoy!

Well Blizz works slow especially where Era is concerned but I believe they will hold true to their promise of offering an in game solution in the form of some sort of toggle option.

I think there’s a macro and/or an add on that could do it now but I havent bothered yet, I just dont bring up the guild pane unless absolutely necessary which isn’t often the case when you only have two of your 7 toons in one, small guild.


Holy crap that post was long.

In the holy name of might of stormwind, please don’t do that again.


How many days are we at for asking for the return of Might of Stormwind?

Why Blizzard is silent on this is just :poop:


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yeah we need a TLDR because no one is reading that from the Undead Rogue who doesn’t play the game.

preach it. :clap:

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I was going to read all that but then I realized you’re just “fussed”. That made my day thank you!

Bring back might or stormwind!

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*couldn’t care less

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Bring back Might of Stormwind please. Really improved QOL and community for Alliance side. Actually seeing a bunch of UBRS was a great thing for the game and for newer/fresh players. Honestly, I would love to see other world buff drops being placed in all of the endgame dungeons. Give a reason for geared/bored players to run dungeons, and only add QOL.

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bring back stormrend!

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Bring back Might of Stormwind :earth_americas:

Y’all had a month to get mos signatures and are hardstuck 500 LOL

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Might of Stormwind :earth_americas: :clap: bring it back

If they hadn’t, you wouldn’t be here screeching for your unnecessary buff.
Enjoy the Xroads kiddo.


Oh yeah?

This you?


bring back stormrend!

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AUG 7TH!!! they’re bringing it back

Yeah that’s my daily reminder to bring back MOS. Ty for reminding me!

Oh yeah? They listened to you and that’s why we have have boons, body type 1/2 and male succubus. What about the new guild tab that’s definately blizz listening to you. How about the TF getting shrunk and other UI changes?
They make a change, the forum trolls cry and then they revert it promptly right?
I’m just here to troll the trolls. I just love seeing the #nochanges crowed puffed their chests out and pat themselves on the back. Blizz finally reverted one change in the last 4 years and now they all feel validated.
QQ more knowing blizz never has and never will care about what you want, they only care about their bottom line. It just so happens MoS cut into their profits so they reverted it. Era never was and never will be the museum piece that the #nochanges crowd wants. You’re all delusional living 20 years in the past. That experience is gone, you cannot recreate it or relive it. If you weren’t there 20 years ago it’s gone forever and it’s never coming back.

Also bring back MoS just to spite the #nochanges forum trolls.

MOS copers cannot make a realistic argument without creating a gigantic strawman such as the post above

A strawman is an inadequate argument let alone qualifies as one. These losers really believe “mos cuts into their profits” because 33 people unsubbed their barrens alts. ALOL!

Face it, you nerds are hard stuck 500 sigs a month later with a bunch of noobs posting on 20 characters and you act like we and the blizz mods don’t see it

Y’all are the new “bring back era cloning megathread” that’s been going on for 4 years and still not a peep about it.

Save yourselves the embarrassment and get back to the barrens. No I don’t want boons, yea I want the old pvp system, no I don’t want cata UI, I don’t want literally anything from these season patches. To bring them up is a logical fallacy.

GG take your L. Y’all know deep down they messed up and it was so obvious they tried to just make it look legit.

Do y’all really believe they wanted to nerf razor gore in era when ppl were already killing him in 15 seconds? Give me a break


You are one miserable person. If our efforts are so fruitless, why don’t you just move along?

Edit: 2500

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