Classic Era Patch Updates

It’s actually hilarious reading this ports and seeing the #nochanges crowd deluding themselves thinking they actually registered on blizz radar.
There is one and only one reason they reverted MoS and that is $$$. Buch of alli unsubbed their second accounts that week. It’s a business decision, nothing do to with your whiny insignificant voices. Enjoy this “victory” while blizz bends you over even harder and laughing all the way to the bank.


Probably never. You guys could barely get 500 sigs over what, 3 weeks now? Lmao


Bring back MoS!


Or maybe say it louder from your nelf rogue.


So did you guys re-sub on your second accounts yet?

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I don’t think that this forum made a huge difference but I also think it had little to do with people unsubbing their second accounts.

Also, you’re the one being whiny in this case, while thinking that unsubbing second accounts was probably way more impactful than it was, although the idea of you shooting yourself in the foot is kind of cute, to the point of being something that could be memed.

Do I think the widespread outrage including that “no changes” petition with 3500+ sigs made a difference? Probably. The voice of streamers gets listened to often.

Since this reversion, Blizzard still is pretty interested in their reinventing the wheel with Classic Plus, and what that is to them (note: it’s almost exclusively about class balancing), If they stop or and think before changing Era with things intended for other versions, that would be nice. The small potential of a fresh with at least changes that have been limited to Era (although I’d rather a 1.12 or at least 1.13) is nice too.


The changes were a mistake that bled through to Era from SoD. It was made worse when Blizz tried to act as though it was intentional instead of developer apathy. They got called on their bluff and acted accordingly.

The pro MoS crowd got a survey to help design the QoL lovin version of Classic + they so desperately want and crave.


bring back stormrend!

2.4k post count and counting

thank you all for boosting this!


i did not resub on my capper

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This is the first step.

Never had one to begin with, and never will.

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The change were a significant QoL improvement that the VAST majority of the community did and still does support. Putting words in Blizz mouth to support your rhetoric is cute but ultimately futile, you’re only deluding yourself. They don’t listen to you or I, they only listen to their bottom line. They have and will continue to make changes to era as long as the changes improve their revenue streams. The UI changes cuts dev time and help with integrating era into modern services and they will NEVER revert them no matter how much you whine.

Bring Back StormRend!


Yet only 500 sigs in 3 weeks. Lmfao. Completely and totally embarrassing.

You don’t think blizzard knows about the 20 alts of a single player bumping this post?

You guys look pathetic. Save yourself the humiliation


you sound like a great guy


Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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Day number 17 of asking blizzard to bring back might of the stormwind


MoS back yet?


Bring back MoS to all ERA REALMS TODAY!

Revert the revert!