Classic Era Patch Updates

I think this just about covers it.


Shameless beggars.


No harm in asking nicely and offering some solid rationale.

O for 2 but hey.


cool so they’re going to:
remove the cast bar from the ui,
make it so we can log out skip again,
make it so you can’t mount with noggins,
remove chronoboons,
add batching back in,
make wbuffs dispellable,
bug out ouro so he can’t be killed,
hire real GMs that actually interact in the game
remove clusters
original AV,
reduce the rep gains in AQ,
etc etc etc


oh and lets not forget the honor system, LOL


Preaching to the choir here man, Im not afraid of the original game. I prefer it. But if you want official servers you gotta take the good with the bad.

That doesn’t mean its open season on Era changes though.


You’re a horde pve server main in prebis with no logs, your opinion on this matter means less than nothing. You don’t raid so there is no reason for you to care about your nonexistent parses, and you’re on a PVE server so you clearly don’t care about wpvp.

You do have a shocking amount of forum posts though so you’re clearly just a troll here


I wish yeah.


Yeah it was bis


I’m just saying it’s not the same game, same company, and we’re not the same players. It’s not 2004 and it never will be, embrace the changes that make sense while keeping the game playing the way we enjoy

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No thx lol

500 signs lol

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So when are we getting MoS back?

Bring it back! Today!


This post, word for word, could have been written by a “Wall of no” person before Classic was a thing.

It’s so strange to see from an Era player.


And now I’m 100% you don’t play.

Bring back Might of Stormwind.


This is the toon I post on. Cry about it. Should I post on my alliance 60 again?

In your opinion. How funny is that?

There’s no need to care about parses. That’s a choice you’re making. The game cares even less about your parses than I do. Era doesn’t exist for the purpose of parsing - that’s just a cult that’s taken up residence here - accept it or don’t, I aint fussed.

Do 5v5’s in and around the EPL towers count? Cuz I participate in those when I see towers getting flipped. Sometimes Ill kill guards in Ashenvale or Crossroads depending on which faction Im playing when Im bored. Admittedly it usually doesn’t amount to much but sometimes someone will surprise me.

Right. Why I lobbied against the last round of changes. They didn’t make sense because they were meant for SoD.

You had a week. Hope you enjoyed it.


Says the 2 post alt.

Ill give you the names to all my toons and you can add them to your horde and alliance friend lists then look for me in game. My big day is sunday. We can set something up. Maybe Ill give your hunter some bags or something.

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tldr - u mad bro?

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You guys baited your own trap, stepped in it, now you want someone else to release you.

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Do it. Let see them where are they? Do you even have an active sub?

Bring back MoS!

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guys its been 2 weeks now, longer than the bug was in, don’t think its happening.