Classic Era Patch Updates

Change the UI and anything else that makes the game better and more fun.

Also, bring back SoM.

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No. Buddy.

Best of luck to you.

“Classic isn’t for everyone.”


Please bring back Might of Stormwind.


i remember when horde getting paladin buffs was a pvp event the alli could enjoy (vanilla and pservers). i also remember great pvp events going in to a raid instance or stopping a horde raid from entering raids with buffs. these things are no more in classic and now era.

but as soon as you take away the hordes pvp event (Alli stealing WCB), suddenly that is too far over the line?

Alli is rly not apealing to play anymore. the changes made to the game (bug fixes, chronoboon) have made the game better, however it has made alli weaker than they already was in pvp by straight up removing some vulnerabilities horde had when buffing (yet again undispellable buffs is a huge nerf to night elf priest, we need more priests). this just isnt the case for the alli and even tho ive not got got personally (night elf alli meta), WCB is a completely 1 sided pvp event allowing the horde to easly farsight human warriors from the comfort of a non pvp flag while the human warrior is messing around on his 2nd account…
and then you go and sit around in booty bay on ur human waiting for a heart while 3 ud rogues are abusing a gnomer portal…
why is it that alli warriors are always burning out?

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bring back stormrend pls


no, go to cross roads as ally and get Mindcontrolled like ur suppose to

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Day number 15 of asking blizzard for might of the stormwind back


Couldn’t agree more. Question is this why is someone like you who clearly doesn’t actually play the game have an opinion at all. Classic is not for you, stop talking about it plz. It’s cringe.

Bring back SoM please!

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Som or MOS?

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Theres a petition hard stuck at 500 and others as low as 25 for over 2 weeks now. The no SoM folks garned 3.5k in under a week.
Have a bit of self respect and move on.


That petition was a streamer getting his followers to sign. Most don’t play the game and it wasn’t even a petition about the same thing.

No one with even half a brain was impressed by that thing.


It was only Blizzard who stupidly followed the “streamers” on Stormrend… the community wants it back,


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Day number 16 of asking blizzard for might of the stormwind back


So last night I grinded out some AD rep on my troll rogue. Need those enchant patterns. Then I swapped out to my orc rogue and put some mats up on the AH. Then I swapped to my 46 prot warrior and solo’d Tethis for the nesingwary quest, hung out in booty bay for a few to get the ZG buff since I saw it being announced in chat.

The last nesingwary (king bangalash) elite quest should be no problem solo with CDs.

Cringe is saying I dont play the game while Im in game playing it and thinking this is somehow related to the MoS you’re never gonna see in Era.


Enjoy the Xroads kiddo.


And we all know which Streamer it was too.

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There’s no shot these same 8 people are still rotating thru 20 characters posting about mos lmao. I went thru a whole forum ban cycle and they’re still going?


Staysafe made it? I wasn’t following the drama tbh. Or maybe it was Alexsensual

is it back yet? did they bring stomrend back? why is this taking so long

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