Classic Era Patch Updates

These guys think they actually deserve rend and all the other buffs. Thanks chronoboon which never should have been implemented for the infantile and short sighted reasons that got it in as well as being a part of the problem.


Totally agree, I think they should remove chronoboon.


Its totally working guys!
Need more sub 10 post alts in favor, and I think we got it.


Nobody will call out Chislev though, probably one of the most toxic posters Iā€™ve seen in recent time. Keep it up, guys!

Bringing up political topics like transgenderism in a WoW forums discussion, to try and evoke a negative response from those he disagrees with. Shameful at best

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If I were trolling to 10k posts then I probably would have been given a forced forum vacation in all of these years, yet my only vacations have happened at my chosing.

I do enjoy calling people out when they are rude though, or on things like using real trolling tactics to do things like bump a thread so that a bigger post count that could be bragged about. Both of which describe you perfectly as per your own follow ups. Thanks!


Offtopic but FWIW, I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about with this, but certain things can be flagged as they arenā€™t allowed and there are levels to what will happen. Hereā€™s the forum CoC for reference:
Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct (

I sometimes flag stuff thatā€™s bad and donā€™t say a word. There are tons of other places to argue about real-life politics, people are here on this thread arguing about a video game, IMO bringing other stuff in to argue about isnā€™t helpful.


MoS should only be in SoD.
It was for us.
Not Era.

~sub10 post alt Asma


Blizz 99% of people want MoS, poll it. Remove the other changes




You can REVERT the guild UI change though, that is awful.

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Bring back Stormrend please! thanks

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Bring back might of stormwind

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Streamers said no, community said yes.

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Bring back polearms!

Is it fair to say thereā€™s an overwhelming consensus about not changing core gameplay?

Then we have little silly things like druids using polearms. While silly, most people probably donā€™t care either way - itā€™s not having a real impact on the game.

That leaves us QoL updates. I think weā€™ve heard pretty clearly from the small ā€œno changesā€ crown who would rather play 1.12ā€¦ but we arenā€™t playing 1.12 now. QoL changes are important to keep this version of wow classic ERA, alive and well for years to come.

Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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Bring back MOS so alliance actually has a reason to do UBRs

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Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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Yup. These people dgaf about classic era, they only care about their high scores. Sort of like shareholders in a company, nothing matters as long as the numbers go up.

Cata classic had a bunch of changes purely to accommodate these high score addicts.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of timesā€¦the best time Ive had with Era was when there were like 50 active horde players on the entire cluster post TBCC.

Nobody cared about parsing. You could wipe in a dungeon without people losing their minds. People traded goods, offered help, good conversations in chat, ZG was an event yet no one cared about outcomes or classes, specs, WBs etc. No GKDP or mage boosts. Most vanilla like experience to be had.

Pitiful few people actually play the game even now so I would never wish that on anyone but man there is a tradeoff when you grow the population. Its my wish that one day Ill find myself on 50/50 pvp server with 999 more people who think and feel as I do (old school fun over lab environment).

MoS has no place in there.

Neither does this UI, goshdarnit Blizz a modder can do it so can you, any news on the UI?


hey buddy, you wanna pipe down over there?
we tryna parse over here