Classic Era Patch Updates

Stormwind’s might returns like a storm breaking through the clouds—swift, unyielding, and ready to reclaim its rightful place in history. :earth_americas:

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Bring back Stormrend to ALL ERA REALMS!

Revert the revert!

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If you wanna be at the top, you gotta put in the work.

WCB working as intended.


@Blizz, time to bring back the Might of Stormwind!


Bring Back Stormrend please


Bring it back!


Community said no.
Blizzard said no.

Maybe WCL would be willing to accommodate these handful of lazy alliance raiders and their alts.

Probably not enough support there either.


Yeah why don’t these parselords go whine at their third party high score website instead of blizzard? So cringe.


Day number 13 of asking blizzard for might of the stormwind back

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Viva la Stormrend!


What if they removed rend and just brought in stormrend? Then horde can come get MCed in Goldshire for the next 5 years. That’s equality


Bring back Might of Stormwind!


Day number 14 of asking blizzard to bring back might of the stormwind

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Keep Classic Era, Classic!


Community said yes and keeps saying yes.
Blizzard said yes before walking back their words.
Alliance are not lazy. Greedy horde waiting for a gold handout for dropping a rend is lazy.
Every word that you said is wrong. Kindly and respectfully keep your mouth shout.

Bring back MoS please

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The community said “no” so hard that Blizzard merged (and deleted some) 30+ threads into one mega thread.

Is this really all about big numbers on a 3rd party website? Is that what this is really about? And you think Blizzard should change its game (again) for numbers on a 3rd party website… I’m trying to understand.


You’re talking about a “mega thread” of a few hundred posts? We’re at 2.3k here …

Yes that’s what it’s about for me and many many many like me. Now your understand.

Bring back Might of Stormwind to ALL ERA REALMS NOW!

The vast majority want it! Do it up, Blizzard!

I’ve been standing in Barrens for half an hour now… I could have been playing the game instead! BRING IT BACK!

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Have you seen how many of the comments are thanking Blizzard in support of reverting the changes? lol

  1. You’re exploiting the game to get a buff that was never intended for Alliance.
  2. You do not need said buff to complete the highest level content Blizzard has provided.

Blizzard is correct in not changing the game.

I do appreciate your honesty about it just being about big numbers, you’re pretty much the only one that’s owned up to it.

edited to add: Convenience or QoL shouldn’t be a justifiable reason to change the game.