Classic Era Patch Updates

I’m convinced Vn, Stormrend should come back. Thank you for working tirelessly to sway me


Aside from the server ques, those already exist, and I’m fine with it.

In order for server ques to happen, servers need to hit their max capacity limit.

That being said, nothing like those bears & cats in Darkshore being stuck in trees, amirite?


Bring back Might of Stormwind!


That’s all you remember?

What about running through BRD to get to MC?
What about the server lag before the instance reset cap was implemented?
Farming Tyr’s Hand for gold.
Thunderfury proc’ing off rogue poisons.
Flasks not persisting through death.
Rogues being better tanks than warriors.
Innervate 31 point talent.
Original C’Thun.
No pvp trinket.
Scholo 10 man.
5 minute paladin buffs.
Hackers 1-shotting everyone in Winterspring.
Shadow reflectors on world dragons.
Green Whelp Armor in WSG.

Bring back Might of Stormwind!


“I’m so sure of myself that I make up stories and state them as facts”

ROFLMAO. This is probably the funniest thing I’ve read on here, ever.

No matter as this doesn’t seem like something that’s going to come back because Blizzard would just annoy the thousands of people who signed the nochanges petition. Fight as much as you want to but know that what is said on these forums rarely matters, and I really hope that you are not abusing the time of the customer service reps by creating tickets.


If the servers didn’t have layers to be more authentic, and that was the cause of the queues, I’d be fine with that too, as well as the other things listed.


We are introducing tons of bugs in Molten Core from SoD but we can’t have anything nice like Stormrend … sigh


daily reminder to bring back mos


Making changes to a game that many love as is, is also telling them to “go away” or “go elsewhere” since the game they enjoy no longer exists.



Bring Might of Stormwind back please.


Revert the Revert! Bring back our MoS to all ERA REALMS TODAY!


I just watched that WillE vid. Early on I felt like he was drifting in a certain direction with the pvp system revamp but he didnt take it to its full conclusion. Mostly it was just his general reporting on stuff with out too much bias and firing off the occasional opinion.

WillE calling that a huge QoL buff for alliance is just stating the obvious. No one is in denial about that, of course it was. He never said he endorsed MoS and personally wished it was back.

Its a good thing too because he missed the boat on the pvp system change complaints. There were plenty of them and you and I would know as we argued over it for days in multiple threads and I had plenty of opposition, yourself included.

Although I would concede there was probably less pushback overall from players because of how Classic played out with the premade metas.


Please bring back Stormrend.

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Might of Stormwind in WoW Classic Era—like finding a fully intact loaf of bread in the Defias Brotherhood’s hideout. It’s that perfect blend of nostalgia and power, making every swing of your sword feel like a poetic tribute to the glory days. Who knew reliving the past could be so epically satisfying? For the Alliance! :earth_americas:

Might of Stormwind in WoW Classic Era? It’s like discovering that your grandma’s secret cookie recipe actually gives you a buff in-game. A dash of nostalgia, a sprinkle of might, and suddenly you’re a force to be reckoned with. Who knew a stroll down memory lane could pack such a punch? For the Alliance! :earth_americas:

bring back stormrend!


and yet despite the dozens of changes here you still are

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Bring back Might of Stormwind! It leveled the playing field for world buffs across horde and alliance. If any players don’t want the world buff because “no changes” then they can just click it off, ez pz.

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Might of Stormwind in WoW Classic Era? It’s like putting the ‘legend’ back in ‘legendary gear.’ Combining the charm of yesteryear with the power we always dreamed of, it’s a throwback with benefits. Who knew Stormwind’s might could age like fine Dwarven ale? For the Alliance! :earth_americas:

Bring Might of Stormwind back please.