Classic Era 1.14.4 PvP Update

That’s fine too. You are who you are.

I just like to play MMORPGs for social reasons. That is the correct genre for my gameplay preferences. I tend to find myself in guild leadership positions too doing things like “HR” because that’s what I like. I’m not saying that guild things aren’t social in classic (Era) either, 40-man raids can be difficult to organize and somewhat socially complex because of that, I was just wanting to explain more about what ranking has been for me and why I care.

I simply think it’s a shame that a unique game that catered to my niche is being changed to something that can be found elsewhere already and something that to me is pretty uninteresting due to having zero social complexities whatsoever.

It’s like knocking down an old drafty house from 1880 and replacing it with a 2023 house and saying that the new house is more energy efficient so it’s fine. Most people would want the new house. Some people like the old. Oh, and then saying that the 2023 house is a classic because it sits on a big lot with mature trees.

It could be worse though so whatever. What I really didn’t want personally is currency.

You seem to prefer what Blizzard is doing and that’s ok, they are going to do it anyway. I’ve given my feedback hundreds of times, and they always do the opposite of what I know would be best for me. They enjoy catering to people who are totally the opposite of people like myself, generally, those who are self-focused and parse and gear obsessed, and people who do not care who they abuse along the way. I quit Wrath over it but still wanted to be able to maybe come back for Era or Fresh but who knows these days?