Classic Era Patch Updates

You aren’t blizzard and don’t know 1 way or the other. You can say what you want but it doesn’t make it true.

Bring back MoS! Revert the revert! Bring back the very best QoL update that has ever come to ERA WoW!

MoS belongs in ERA!

Definitely not a troll.

There might be a couple other MoS threads you haven’t got the last current reply on.

Better hurry and check.

It’s what you have been contracted for anyhow…

Bring back Might of Stormrend!


In realms where legends rise and fall,
In realms where echoes of battle call,
There lies a secret, a whispered lore,
Of buffs that make heroes crave for more.

In Classic’s world where heroes roam,
From Elwynn’s fields to Orgrimmar’s home,
They seek the power, the fleeting boon,
That turns the tide beneath the moon.

Azuregos’ grace, a dragon’s might,
Blessings of Kings in morning light,
Arcane Brilliance, fortify the mind,
To face the darkness, leave foes behind.

Onyxia’s breath, a warrior’s bane,
Yet her scales grant strength insane,
Rallying Cry, a warrior’s shout,
Rings through valleys, banishes doubt.

Molten Core’s fury, Ragnaros’ flame,
Essences of power, without shame,
Mark of the Wild, a druid’s embrace,
Nature’s guardians, in every place.

World buffs whisper tales untold,
Of raids triumphant, of fortunes bold,
They weave through lands both near and far,
Guiding champions like a guiding star.

But beware the curse, the hidden cost,
Of overconfidence, of battles lost,
For buffs are fleeting, shadows flee,
In Azeroth’s eternal symphony.

So gather ye, brave souls and true,
In Classic’s world, where dreams accrue,
Seek the buffs that make legends soar,
In this vast world of Warcraft’s lore.

And amidst the throng, in battle’s core,
Rises Might of Stormwind, forevermore.


Heroes quest in vain,
“Might of Stormwind” just beyond,
Out of grasp, they strive.

  • A haiku

Heroes yearn for might,
“Might of Stormwind” beckons near,
Yet remains elusive.

  • Another haiku

Such a keen eye you have.

A small mea culpa, a reversal of most changes with an asterisk on the outlier, and an admission the Classic devs don’t have any real desire to change Era makes me fairly confident they’re not actually going to pull a double reverse on this.

Especially when you ask yourself why its wanted - a sub section of players want the ease and convenience for more ease and convenience - like Classic Era is hard to play or something. These things just don’t jive - I mean, SoD is basically Retail Classic and that’s where MoS was intended to go all along.


Thank you for listening to the community. The reason I love Classic so much is because it stays the same. I don’t have to worry that my character will completely change how they’re played if I leave the game for a few months.


over forum mains? yes

Bring back stormrend.


This is before you even start digging into the “why?” of the situation, and the fact that its a horde buff!

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we LOVE stormrend

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We love that MoS went back to seasonal realms where it belongs.

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bring back Stormrend


We want Stormrend, help the era community return Rend to us! #OneRend


Day number 8 of asking blizzard for might of the stormwind back

Yeah we do! And so does the majority of classic era players.

Bring back MoS! Revert the revert!


Bring it back! MoS for life!


10 hours is too long between MoS posts

Bring back Stormrend


You know I could go for some Stormrend actually