Classic Era Patch Updates

Please bring back Might of Stormwind.


Bring back M.O.S.!

Sendinā€™ out an MoS!
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my MoS in Stormwind


I agree bring back Stormrend, this was a thoughtful update.


Letā€™s touch on how lazily Might of Stormwind was implemented:

  • ZERO time between quest turn in and buff drop
  • No trigger to let you know the buff is going to drop or has dropped
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Lets touch on how Rend is implemented:

Requires you to collude with the opposite faction.

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If they want to patch that to make it better, Iā€™m all for it.

I donā€™t really care how the buff drops as long as it dropsā€¦ Obviously should have to do the quest for it, thatā€™s a no brainer

Development decisions from 20 years ago vs. pure laziness to spend an extra few minutes to add in /yell and delay the time between turn-in and drop.

Sounds like they need to add back in Stormrend with a few changes to match rend ^^

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Yeah, I mean, I donā€™t care one way or the otherā€¦ Giving alliance rend without MCing and having to be in Barrens would be fine with meā€¦ No more completely wasting your time getting a reflect. If thatā€™s the decision, Iā€™d be 100% happy. However, Stormrend would be much better long term in my opinion

I agree with wonderdruid, although I do NOT support mass reporting in any form he is right about stormrend, bring it back

During Mulgore DMF for Tuesday reset I will be organizing raids to kill Thrall every 2 hours rend is off cooldown to protest stormrend. If we canā€™t have it they canā€™t have it either. Please reach out to me if youā€™re interested. You know how to find me.

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Please bring back StormRend!

You forgot:

  • Without any announcement, packaged as part of the regularly occurring SoD leaks into Era

If they had pushed MoS as an upgrade for Era when it was released, there wouldnā€™t have been the level of backlash and it wouldnā€™t have been reverted.

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Still remains an entirely optional acquisition.
Itā€™s fine and working aa it has for so many years.

MoS is seasonal fare and should rightly stay on those realms because itā€™s not for Era.


Go play sod if you want changes man


bring back stormrend!

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Nobody that hasnā€™t already left for SOD is going to go there just because MOS is there. We want it here.


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Pfft ainā€™t nobody worried about that lol
We tryna parse big dog

Bring back MoS!

Hey Blizzard, congrats on Unionizing! Really excited for the QoL improvements you guys are going to receive being a part of a union.

Speaking of QoLā€¦

Bring back Might of Stormwind! The best QoL improvement in years! You might even say this has really ā€œunionizedā€ the Alliance players to rally together hereā€¦

Bring Back Stormrend

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