Classic Era Patch Updates

They really need to do polls for things like this so they can get an actual # of people that don’t and do want it.


We want and love stormrend


Bring back Might of Stormwind now!


Since I mostly agree with your position on Era, particularly that the patches should have been 1:1 followed during vanilla Classic run, I’m wondering what you think about recurring Scourge Invasions in Era.

Do you consider that a change, not a change, or do you share my opinion that it doesn’t fall on the change/no change spectrum?


“Look at this support for Might of Stormwind…is it small support?.. If it’s small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.”
-Donald Trump [probably]

Our support for Might of Stormwind is YUUUUUUUUGE. Maybe the biggest I’ve ever seen.

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Thanks for the feedback and question.

Although I wouldn’t actively push for this, it was part of the game already, so I wouldn’t get upset if it were added as a holiday. So yes agreed that it’s more on the change/no change spectrum but I could understand either position on that.


Maybe you should ask for it in retail.
See how that works?

It’s silly. The buff was a seasonal option for the seasonal servers.
Perhaps you’d like a toy that helps you move around since travel is so tedious.

Thanks again, Classic team. Keep Era free of things not meant for it like MoS.

I think it should be added as a reoccurring event, otherwise it is a part of vanilla that will never be experienced again. I wouldn’t mind the gates of AQ40 being an actual completable objective again either. Not saying they need to close the gates to do it tho

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Please bring back Might of Stormwind.


Nigh on 2200 posts on this… whether you agree with bring back MoS or not, ERA players care about the game a whole ton of a lot.

I agree with Winterly there should be a poll put up.

I got your poll right here:

Era or SoD?

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Yes, I have a youtube channel with over 500 clips of wpvp and even I support Stormrend. What should that tell everyone. Like and subscribe

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Sorry! Blizzard can decide that, not yourself.

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Blizz did make a decision. They reverted the changes and said they dont belong in Era.

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We’re talking about polls, not the decision they already made.

Keep it coming, Corpseknife

Wow that list is getting longer. How come retail mains aren’t on the list?


Try starting a poll on this forum then. Lemme know what happens.

No thanks!

Blizzard can decide or not decide to do it. Thanks, though!

Any other suggestions?

More of a retail flex, era kids are terrified of retail for some reason. It’s not that bad. I obviously main era on whitemane

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Accept you’re not getting MoS in Era.

You’re still free to ask kindly of course.

First time hearing that one. I can’t imagine why that would be.

Do Era Whitemane mains have a better grasp on the topic?