Classic Era Patch Updates

Those folk may need to think about where their priorities truly lie and either improve their time management or adjust their expectations doing what they are able in game. It is not on Blizzard to hand them things.

I wish them good luck as MoS is not for Era as it has been properly removed.


Nothing is forcing you to participate in anything outside of the WoW application. You’re under no obligation to wade through schedules in Discord servers.

Similarly, Blizz is under no obligation to ‘save you time’.


their ranking changes last year say otherwise


this is such a disrespectful thing to say and insulting to the player base. WoW should be a game that bring people together in the true spirit and not finding ways to separate players or incur extra time that is not needed to be able to play with everyone.

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It’s adulting.

Adults don’t give in to fomo.


she doesn’t care about the community or the health of the game just “winning”


the people you are talking to have been playing for years there are logs to back that up

Again we have multiple changes, some of which people haven’t even mentioned, and yet we have piles of you screaming “no changes” while not playing enough to see those changes. I can think of at least 2 other changes that have negatively effected raiders in the last few months but the forums are quiet. But something saves us time each weak? better get the milk crate out

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Project more please.

The poster to which I responded regarding outside of game/rl responsibilities is being disingenuous.

Obviously family, career and other real concerns always take priority over a game. One needs to be honest with themselves and admit that. If you cannot then you have my prayers and I urge you to seek balance in your life. Even the loading screens for Wow tell you to log off and take a break.

Using outside of the game responsibilities as a reason to attempt to negotiate with Blizzard to get back something they’ve now gone on record stating it was not for Era doesn’t make sense to me. If time is an issue for a player then see where that player can create space in their own schedule. It is not Blizzard’s responsibility. That’s what adulting is about.

Best of luck coping without MoS.


Day 6 of asking blizzard to bring back might of the stormwind


I legitimately believe that Era is healthiest without MoS, and with as few changes as possible. So I’m advocating for that position because I see it aligned with the spirit of what classic is intended to be.

I don’t think people with different opinions are “out to get you”. We just like the game as close to vanilla as possible.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind! I really liked it! Everyone did! The people who say they didn’t like it are probably trolling or arguing in bad faith. Thanks!


This is very much a boot licker mentality! ew!

Prepare for many more days!

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Why is it healthier without MOS?

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Asma tries to pinch the cheek of the plump, cute gnome while eyeing the fire beneath the cookpot.
You jus adorable!

You come visit ol’ Asma in de Barrens when the herald o’ de Warchief be yellin.


Not really, since players have already asked about this exact change, while insisting that since there were already changes it makes reason to add a whole lot more.
It’s the good old… “give em an inch and they’ll take a mile.
Play your changed game on seasonal and stop trying to screw up a game many love.

Rubbish, you are not we.
Asma has a nice surprise for you, run along now.


Storm Rend dude? Hell yeah dude. Storm Rend on Era? Heeelllll yeah duuuude


take one look as see how many of them started by telling us to “go away” or “go elsewhere” yeah real healthy

people want to save the time of lvling an alt on the opposing faction or paying for a buff
and we get told to go away, deal with the extra time half the playerbase doesn’t have to waste, or stop being such a neckbread.

yeah tell me again how any of that is healthy for the game?

In the realm where thunder roars and lightning bends,
Heroes bold, their hearts with courage blend,
Seek Stormrend, a buff of legend’s might,
In the shadows of the tempest’s flight.

Through treacherous woods and mountains steep,
They tread the path where dangers creep,
Battling monsters, and braving the storm,
Their spirits high, their purpose firm.

With swords agleam and armor strong,
They fight through dusk 'til early dawn,
Through trials fierce, they press ahead,
Each step fueled by the hope they’ve fed.

But fate, it seems, has its own design,
And victory’s grasp proves so hard to find,
Though battles fought with all their might,
Stormrend’s gleam remains out of sight.

As twilight falls upon weary eyes,
Heroes gather 'neath starlit skies,
Reflecting on the day’s hard quest,
Aching hearts find solace in rest.

For heroes know, in their steadfast plight,
Tomorrow brings another fight,
With dawn anew, they rise once more,
To chase the dream they’re fighting for.

So in the quiet of the night’s embrace,
They dream of Stormrend’s radiant grace,
Knowing though they did not yet win,
The journey itself is where heroes begin.

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Is dis some kinda elf ting?
Do yah eat it?

You too come see ol’ Asma in de Barrens.
Wait till de herald be yellin.

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