Classic Era Patch Updates

It is indicative of play time, and the topic of this is a world buff used for raiding. So if you don’t do that activity it doesn’t affect you as much, same as if you play the faction that isn’t affected by this world buff

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It is indicative of a TL3 posting character.
Nothing more. The avatar of a paying customer.

The condescension you are displaying is not welcome. How selfish of you.


Not all opinions should have the same weight. I wouldn’t ask raiders in Cataclysm how arena PvP should work.

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I could post on my level 60, any of my wotlk 80s or any of my retail 70s, but im posting on one of my levelling toons.

Build a bridge.


You’re not actually dense enough to believe someone doesn’t play Era just because their forum avatar is a retail char. So I’m left to assume you’re simply trying to undermine or derail the convo at this point.

Regardless, I’ll make it clear that I pretty much exclusively play Era, and haven’t touched retail in years. Obviously I wouldn’t be spending the time to provide feedback on the MoS correction if I didn’t play Era characters.


The “community” used loosely is a few minor vocal people that do not play consistently. The MoS actually brought more balance to the factions and the players who returned to have the added ease to Quality of Life. Era is hard enough to schedule and maintain the buffs let alone a cross faction one. Please listen to the actual active community that works together and has kept era a thriving place for all players by giving the one acceptable QoL change off Might of Stormwind.


I’ve seen the future, bring back Storm rend or both factions shall fall!

The product you are looking for is SoD.

SoD has all of the QoL stuff you’ve been asking for.


I mean I can claim whatever I want, but that doesn’t make it true. I post on my era characters when I want to have a real discussion about Era world buffs and their nuances.

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When they remove Dracthyr from the game, i’ll sign that petition lol.

It’s not hard to post on an Era character

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Really it’s not hard

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lol! Vn has to be my favorite warrior on ERA currently. Guy is an incredibly knowledgeable player. Knows the game front and back.

This is a feature for Season of Discovery that was correctly removed from Classic Era. It never and should never exist in Era as the Classic team in the OP reaffirmed their commitment to keeping these types of impactful changes out of Era.

Thanks, Classic team!


Agreed. It’s not difficult nor impressive to select different posting chars.
One’s chosen avatar is entirely irrelevant to the content of the post but keep trying to play gatekeeper if you’d like.

Blizz made the correct decision by reverting MoS, that is all.


“Impactful” is a stretch. It’s an effect already in the game, already attainable by every player. Minor might be a better characterization.

Seasonal servers are not in the spirit of classic. The MAJORITY of players with family’s careers and other life responsibilities benefit from QoL impacts to the Era servers where time away (1 week - Weeks) does not leave you stranded. The active Era community has to spend hours weekly finding alts scheduling buffs or MC caps and other ways to secure buffs to maximize the efficiency. Less time finding buffs, scheduling Buffs, raiding clears and much more impact players in the open world or casuals who can spend time IRL which is a no brainer for mental and family health.


The time spend on this is part of the gameplay. Simply don’t do it if you don’t find the result rewarding enough to justify the time.


“don’t try to phase” “you’re playing wrong”

fixed it for you

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Time spent in discord outside of world of warcraft and trying to schedule this for the entire community is not “Part of the Gameplay” it’s an absolute waste of time when the solution is currently available and turned off.