Classic Era BROKEN after maintenance!

Mail / Trading / AH still broken on era


This is scuffed as. i havent been able to use the AH/Mail or Trade for the last 15 hours.


same issue for me

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me too i cant trade or buy thing in AH

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still not working for me on Anathema

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No bs… I commented on Aggrend’s twitter post about “the joys of Thursday release,” he dm’ed me asking about the issue, asked me to relog… after that he said he talked to someone else and that the “issue” was “resolved” but there was a problem with the cache and that I would need to log out for at least 15 minutes. Did that and I could AH and trade again.

He acknowledged that it wasn’t the best answer, but it 100% worked.

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I’ve been out for 2 hours and still can’t auction. Can’t mail it. Can’t trade.

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This is happening on SoD servers as well. Can’t mail/trade/AH on Lava Lash-NA. Can’t progress on my main character because I was working on tailoring and now my inventory is full. Can’t auction anything I just made or send it to my alts, can’t quest cuz no room for quest items, can’t even throw up my hands and go fishing.
Ended up just logging off. So much for being raid ready for the first reset.

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The equipslot items for weapons with same names don’t work.
Example I use:
/equipslot 16 4 10
/equipslot 17 4 11
/equipslot 16 item:18840:1897
/equipslot 17 item:18840:1900\

These are for High Warlord Razor Daggers (crusader, weap dmg enchant), High warlord quickblade and High warlord Blade

The equipslot items were also changed and recently fixed but the macro still has issues


STILL CANNOT USE THE AH, some people can, others cant…FIX THE ISSUE!!!


It apprears another account is working fine so its the account that has a restriction but no information on why or a remedy? ANYONE have any ideas??


cant use ah nor trade lmao



I have my actions towards “trading, posting for AH, purchasing anything from AH
sending mail to any players” currently still restricted since the last patch.

I do play on Whitemane. And I have realised some of the players does not have this issue.

To fix the issue on my end, I have tried disabling my ELVUI, Auctinator ( then every add-on I have) Still not working.

I have never did anything against the rules by any means with my account. I have been trying to scan/repair game files too, nothing really helped.

Is it possible to fix it anytime soon? Because I have no bank space to carry or farm my items anymore and absolutely no income to gain :frowning:

Please help me progress further in the classic era.

I just came to the server like a month ago and was looking forward to play straight 6 months as my subscription goes :frowning:


This bug is absolutely infuriating.

What’s bothering me the most is that lack of acknowledgment…

Like, say something… Are you working on it…


no i submitted a ticket and got a generic response about them standing by their decision and then linked the terms of use as if I did something wrong. only been playing wow for 3 weeks


What a joke. There not even telling us that there working on a fix !!!


Hey, Greekwario here; blizzard, we’d genuinely appreciate it if you left era out of this cacophony of garbage. We are just trying to play our game in peace, and it seems like every sod update inadvertently breaks the game for us. It’s starting to get extremely ridiculous, considering there are numerous bugs and exploits in era right now, and nothing is being done about it. If these problems were in sod or related to a rune, it would be fixed instantaneously. Still, since we are talking about classic era nothing will be done to rectify these issues promptly and professionally.

Remember blizzard, we were fine without you for years in our private servers :frog::coffee:


Still broken.

Can we get some kind of acknowledgement here? Your in-game service is nothing but automated trash. I’ve attempted the “fixes” labeled elsewhere. Our entire guild was effected last night, now it’s just random one offs.


Still broken for me too, im on crusader strike (SoD) and can’t use mail /AH/ trade since yesterday, so about 2 days now since it is broken…


came to keep this updated, still hasn’t worked for me and tried all the hotfixes. going on 36 hours for me since i originally ran into the problem myself

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