🤔 Classic+ Discussion

I think a key thing people are missing is the impact of community on the longevity of a game. Old school MMOs were more about community than progression. The “race to the top and max out gear” thing is a bit of a new thing that wow actually popularized.

At the time having an expansion that increased the level cap, TBC, was actually quite a controversial (and not universally popular) move.

Retail wow doesn’t really have a server community mentality, it’s about grinding dungeons raids and other content to get “maxed out”. Once maxed the only thing left is the next extension of the gear cycle and level cap - an expansion.

Classic wow had a strong server community focus. You had real rivalries between guilds, and players that persisted for years.

Other games actually allowed players and guilds to change the dynamics of the world - such as by capturing a city. This sort of community based horizontal progression can work and is arguably more sustainable.

In the end, and as many players predicted, the constant grind for max gear and levels with all previous efforts made redundant in an expansion becomes a meaningless chore for many players.

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I think, ideally, the way to do transmog would be to make it a client side option. This’ll always be too divisive to go one way or the other. I think it’s worth it to offer it as a client option, though, because it offers player identity and attainable goals outside of the power grind.

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If you are talking client side as in, whatever you chose to transmog your gear to, only YOU will see it, then that’s fine. So long as everyone else sees the actual gear you are wearing is what’s important. I can’t count the number of times as a lowbie I went to inspect people in Org that were just chilling on the roof of the bank with their full sets…Warriors with Quel’Serrar or rogues wearing full Bloodfang…it was amazing! Transmog would completely obliterate that otherwise. Same goes for BGs too. Knowing whether or not you would get rekt ahead of time in BGs made all the difference in survival if you knew when to fight and when to run



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They implement any of this garbage and I’m going back to private servers.

Thankfully you have almost no chance of getting it. Dear Lord.

This is what THEY want for Classic+. Supposedly they are saying that it would be separate from Classic itself. But the whole premise of it, is to replace the upcoming TBC/Wrath with THEIR custom Classic content, which apparently is a hybrid of Classic and retail and they seem to think that is a better option than the expansions :joy:

I think, ideally, the way to handle features implemented in expansions released years after vanilla ended, like transmog, is to not implement them at all.


Ugh. Completely asinine.

Yeah. Asinine and VERY hypocritical. “We don’t want TBC/Wrath because that is the road to retail” Also…“We want retail features in Classic+”


No. Sometimes Blizzard gets close, but every time a new tier or expansion happens, they shuffle things up. And mage magically (ha) always seems to be at the top in one or two specs.

But if there is no new content where the actual stats themselves don’t change, Blizzard could actually tinker with the classes enough to make them close or competitively so.

They wouldn’t have the excuse of “we wanted to keep things feeling fresh for the players” with spells being changed, rotations being (somewhat) changed, or stats themselves shifting around.

This is a rare and maybe never again to be seen situation where Blizzard can make that happen.

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Thought I’d finally be safe from that crap with classic. Which, I mean, I guess I am-- there’s no way any of this is happening. Still, it’s disappointing to even have the conversation.

Yes you are right here. This is the main reason they started with the Expansions with The Burning Crusade.
A raised Level cap magically solves all the problems with players having every gear already.

In Vanilla there was some process, first get a blue from dungeons in every slot, then you are ready for Molten Core, then once you got enough gear from there you can start Blackwing Lair and once you got enough from there you can do AQ and then Naxx.
With the release of The Burning Crusade they basically did a hard reset. The exact same thing they do right now in BfA with those seasons …

The only solution to this would be if Realms would get reset once every certain amount of time, like in Diablo. Otherwise you would need to make better and better and yet better gear …

All i would like to see is some stuff like the Barber, like Transmog(but like it was, you have to own the pieces on the Character), maybe the original menu where you could learn mounts …


100% with you! Just fun to theorize. Hell im still on my journey to 60 and giving 2-3 years before a classic + seems good. I also would strongly wish that 4 classic servers remained untouched (PvP, PvE, RPPvE/PvP)
with an option to proceed down the Classic + path or to copy your character to “perma” Classic.

Or if the go down the each expansion road I’d hope they would at least open new servers and allow Classic players to copy over . Kinda like different game modes, I suppose.

Either way if they do decide to expand, I have to agree with the “fracture the playbase” statement someone said earlier.

All I know is the road with expansions leads us right back to what started the whole Classic thing… so keeping Classic, Classic is a must. Adding anything to a Classic + the devs would need a lot of time to mull over if it fit .

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but if they listen to the players on this forum, all this game would become is retail at 60.

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I think a better option would be to just add a cheap vendor item that on use gives you a buff to ignore glamour.

This way, people who want to see pass glamour can.

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No to everything the OP wrote.

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why should i have to pay for what was default in vanilla?

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Very High budget and out of lore. The game has its lore.

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Fine, make it free if 5c is too high a burden. LOL

The only reason I suggested that it be a vendor item instead of an option in game settings is immersion.

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i hope they dont’ touch classic and instead put the time and money into putting up tbc and eventually wotlk servers when they feel classic has died down enough.

after that, i hope they take what they’ve learned, and hopefully they’ve learned something from this, to make a new mmorpg or at least to make a decent expansion after bfa. but they’re too much in a rush to put another expansion out, we wont’ see the effects of classic for another 3 years likely. blizzard doesn’t want to take the time to do things right anymore.

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