šŸ¤” Classic+ Discussion

Getting the unnerfed Ragnaros from previous versions vs the one we currently have would be a great start too.


Something like more UO type features like housing and maybe (maybe) more skills to add more options for your character. Not even saying something thatā€™s going to make a huge impact but things like ā€œPerceptionā€ - stealth spotting increase, ā€œTrackingā€ - being able to track players or specific mobs, ā€œTrappingā€ - make traps, (I know hunters have these but they could be more developed as a skill), Bounty systems, Arenas (but not the ultimate PvP end game like in retail), mercenary Factions, artifacts that are extremely rare and only 1 player can obtain them at a time.

Iā€™d LOVE to see some form of loot stealing for killing players and only at say max level (maybe just some % of money stolen [PvP & WPvP only]), this would also make banking your money an option.

Flavor skills & advanced skills like bard, gardening, armor repair, and more armor customizing options for crafters (even if itā€™s just a color option)

Also to create homes you would need Lumberjack skills or just a system that you feed resources and NPCS build for you. We could have player made towns, which could even open the option for player made quests or just turn in materials/items in exchange for money or other loot.

Survival elements would be pretty cool IMO but I know most probably would like more RPG elements, which would be great, too! But something like eating/drinking being more than just a health/mana restore option maybe.

If classic+ is a thing I would hope it adds more than just dungeons and raids as the world is what makes this game enjoyable for me and breathing more life into that is what Iā€™d hope for.


Any release with blood elf freaking Paladins on horde is a Hell no for me.

Love classic plus though. I prefer the forsaken become a third faction, that would be amazing.


Ehā€¦ no. This all completely defeats the purpose of a Classic version. Quite frankly, itā€™s a slippery slope and I just donā€™t trust the devs to not screw the whole thing up with their ā€œimprovementsā€.

Keep it true to the source material and there wonā€™t be any problems, thanks.


To elaborate on an earlier post ā€¦

One of the draws of vanilla WoW is that itā€™s mostly a levelling RPG - raids only became a thing later.

One of the downsides of raid balance is homogenization of classes. Classes arenā€™t allowed to have unique capabilities any more.

Abilities are either given away to other classes to even it out or they are rendered useless by either making mobs immune to them or changing the gameplay so they arenā€™t necessary.

Every expansion then becomes ā€œso what hoops are they going to make my class jump through this time to do max DPSā€ instead of you looking forward to what new capabilities they will be adding to your class - because you know there will be none; none that are interesting anyway.

This ā€œooo I can now do Xā€ is part of the fun of vanilla levelling - which is more or less completely absence in later expansions.

What can they do for Classic+? Expand the classes without regard for raid balance and add levelling content to with the expanded capabilities of classes in mind.

Of course, this wonā€™t be easy. They will have to think of things to add for each class. Each class must get something worthwhile. It wonā€™t be just adjusting numbers.

Eventually theyā€™ll have to do something. Otherwise all the subs they just earned will go away again.

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You mean, like moving to the next expansion without modifying what was actually there at the time? Sure, thatā€™s an option.

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This does not work for an MMO.

Truly horizontal progression is unrewarding and universally disliked. Even people who suggest it would eventually come to dislike it once they experienced it.

Vertical progression cannot and should not go away, it simply needs to be at the same pace as in Vanilla. Slow.

I think horizontal progression is actually very well received. In Classic, weā€™ll see evidence of that in alts; allowing for players to engage with the same content in a different way with another class. In other games, the systems rely on it heavily to give players something new to do without dramatically increasing the power level (a good example of this is Warframe).

That said, WoW wasnā€™t designed for it from the ground up. Having gear thatā€™s more specific to builds helps in that you can work on multiple sets for your class, but it only raises the bar by a very finite amount.

For now, Classic is enough for me. Where weā€™re at in a few years and what can be done to keep it fresh remains to be seen. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thatā€™s my stance on it. Iā€™d add transmog in though because itā€™s one of my favorite things ever added to the game. It is my horizontal progression.

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I would like to see new raids, but with the mechanics of classic, or even BC or WOtLK. Also, alternate time-lines would be amazing.

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Are the classes balanced in retail?
How is that Mage?
Blizzard been at it now for 15 years.

If they do something different with classic, it should be on a separate server list and be treated as another option in the drop down list. If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™d be down for a phased out WotLK.


No means no. :rage:

Transmog ruins the experience.


I love the idea of Classic+ having more dungeons (while leveling) and raids for end-game! That alone is a huge Plus to the idea. Other than that, thereā€™s lots of good ideas in this thread.


I get that people donā€™t like modern WoW. I havenā€™t really played much of it my self this expansion, and Iā€™m loving classic. But I donā€™t want them to add ā€œnewā€ content to classic. I donā€™t want some convoluted alternate time line.

If the game dies out like so many suggest, then so be it. I donā€™t think the intention to re-releasing classic was to start a whole new time line or ā€œredoā€ of the game. Adding new things to it is just something Iā€™m not interested in. At that point I might as well play retail.


I donā€™t think transmog has the same degree of consensus. A lot of people liked being able to estimate opposition strength based on seeing their armor.

I think you could probably get agreement on enough bank space to store all your sets.


Yeah I realize thereā€™s a good chance it would be off the table. I was just throwing it out there because farming appearances and putting together outfits was pretty much the only thing I did in retail when it started to really suck. I ended up liking it a lot.

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Hopefully that never happens to Classic.

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It wonā€™t as long as they donā€™t change it. Ideas like Classic+ are and should be a template for a totally separate experience. I wouldnā€™t want anything added to this, only used to create an entirely new game with an alternate direction than retail.