šŸ¤” Classic+ Discussion

I donā€™t mind the idea of a classic + where we can continue past Naxx and have more PvP/BG options. In fact I hope this does happen.

Just, please make the servers independent. Classic plus should have its own copy character system from normal classic. The two worlds canā€™t mix.

The same goes for any future BC/WotLK remakes. Character copy, nobodyā€™s going to want to level the same class twice just to play 60-70 or 70-80. Unless you start at 60/70.

I want it all! Just, separately.


I either want xpacs that go in a different direction or I want TBC. I wont do Classic+. I actually enjoy the journey to cap(up till wrath anyways), and xpacs give that.

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I see no other good reason to quote the whole comment.

Those videos of WoW in the Unreal engine are very, very interesting. Quite possibly the next big development for MMOs. Something that can cross 3 platforms; augmented reality, virtual reality, and PC. Something like that could entice a wide ranging player base and make a crap ton of money.


People seem to be missing that a few thingsā€¦

  • The intention of this is not to replace classic, I think classic should always exist. If populations get low that can be dealt with when it happens.
  • This is just a discussion and not a request/demand/serious ideation of what comes next. Itā€™s just interesting to talk about what would be neat to see in 3 years when things start to run a bit dry. Tbh, I think the most interesting aspect is because it touches on why classic is important, which elements are harmful to that, and which elements donā€™t really matter.
  • Yeah, if a 3rd/4th ruleset came out, weā€™d be much more likely to see TBC / WotLK. Definitely safe, but not necessarily as interesting. :slight_smile:
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Yes and no - I like classic and happy playing it - but I also want a game tailored to my own personal tastes ā€¦ who doesnā€™t?

ā€¦ I agree though itā€™s not ā€œclassicā€ anymore when that happens ;p


totally fine to want, but hopefully blizzard doesnā€™t answer the call. some player was actually arguing in favor of flight being added to vanilla. possible he was just trolling, but iā€™ve seen legitimate request for things like class tuning and a more relaxed pvp ranking system.

it took us forever to get our classic realm, I donā€™t want it ruined.


I definitely donā€™t want it changed either - these were hypotheticals I thought - classic needs to stay classic I agree.

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I hope for a classic+ but I really hope we donā€™t see all these QoL things being tossed around. Iā€™ve no interest in retail wow and this is the first Iā€™ve subbed to a multiple month subscription in years. As long as the things added continue promoting group play (outside of instances) Iā€™m good with it. Raids arenā€™t a huge thing for me, anyway. I always loved world PvP element of classic wow, and so for that Iā€™d also majorly condemn flying mounts ever being added.

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Oh yeai forgot i watched that video, its really good, itd look so epic. Im very optimistic that this game is not going anywhere, it will rein for at least another 50 years with all these ideas.

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In my opinion and idea.

  • no leveling increase

  • no new ilvl cap nothing above naxx as in keeping the old content relevant. Just make different utilities type gear. The difficulty of quest/dungeons/raids decide the gear.

  • donā€™t change storyline but make adjustments. By Kara 20m, Outland attunement for the dark portal, no flying, if the zone look dangerous make it so. If you see demons well 2 to 5 man areas in certain zone in Outland. Instead us fighting illidan and kJ we see heroā€™s run passed us to fight the names characters or something.

  • if new content comes donā€™t announce what it is.

  • Make rules when developing. As donā€™t change core aspects of Vanilla.

  • keep classic realms but give options to move.

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Youā€™re correct. Iā€™m not sure how many times itā€™s been reiterated that this, however theoretical it is in the first place, isnā€™t intended on replacing classic.

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I want WOTLK, or at least BC. I doubt Classic+ will be a thing. Sounds like more money spent by blizz - BC and WOTLK would bring a LOT of people back. They were the peaks of WoW


Iā€™m all for a lore reboot.

Outland and Northrend could still be additions for classic. But instead of being colonized with friendly horde and alliance towns everywhere, the continents could be "pure wilderness ". Think like some of those massive outdoor dungeons in EQ. Once you step foot on the Legion/Illidanā€™s/Arthasā€™s turf, its just you and your buddies against the world (and maybe those dastardly other faction members trying to gank you).

Going on such a long journey across multiple zones on a virgin continent would take planning and logistics. Bringing enough pots/repair bots, etc.


funny you bring this up. Rift from Trion has high and low level players team up to stop rifts that form throughout all the zones, and the high level players can get their level rewards from it and rank down to join the lower levels.

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Lets enjoy classic while we have it. I would like to see TBC and WOTLK servers one dayā€¦but not today

Sorry it doesnā€™t make sense to me. A pure as possible of classic-as we have now worked, but rewriting the content and going all willy nilly sounds dumb.

BC/Wrath servers sound fun but again they would have to remain as intact as the original version to make sense


I like the idea of classic + and fleshing out the missing zones and dungeons/raid opportunities in the current old world.

Qiraji empire (south west corner of kalimdor)
Ghostlands and quelthalas

These wouldnt be the same as in retail diff layouts etc, all set as lvl 60 zones

Grim batol
Gilneas dungeon/raid
Uldum dungeon/raid
Hyjal dungeon/raid

These could be 5/20/40player instances set a half tier above naxx/aq20/current lvl60 5 mans

Profession caps could be extended to incorporte new items based on themes from new areas.


Think TBC in its most nerfed formā€¦ no thank you and it starts down a path we already went. If they do tbc I am staying my happy behind in classic.

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If they do rag 2.0 put the firelands portal in Mc or something.

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